
[Add Watch] seem not work?

Hi, In my memory,it can work well long time ago when i use this function . but recently,i back to modify a old program, When i put var into [Add Watch], its value always show "Expression could not be evaluated". Whats wrong? Thanks in advance

Are Hotkeys customable?

Hello all, Are Hotkeys customable in MetaEditor ? Take a example: F5 is hotkey to [compile] in MetaEditor, can i set F9 to [compile]. or,maybe MetaTrader can provide 2~3 other mainstream hotkey sets for user to choice

Do MetaEditor support Bookmarks ?

Hello, this seem my first post here. i want to know: Do MetaEditor5 support BookMarks ? About BookMark, In some editors,take a example: Delphi ,it will be 1).Ctrl+Alt + (A Number from 0~9) = set a bookmark at current line. 2).Ctrl+(A number) = Jump cursor to that bookmark. If there are a file