fjgwey / Publications
Array out of size and OnTick Critical Error.
Hello. I am practicing coding an EA that uses Heikin Ashi data (only close and open since that's all I need right now) to determine trades. When I backtest it I get an array out of size and ontick critical error , and debugging it points me to the pricedatapoints variable. The last time I had an
Array out of range.
Hello. I am attempting to make an EA using RSI and candle patterns. When I try to backtest it with real ticks, I get the tick mismatch errors like I usually do lately. Then when I use it on the simulated 'every tick' option I get an 'array out of size' error and OnTick() critical error . Here is the
Tick data mismatch, ticks discarded when backtesting.
Hello. When I attempt to backtest using real ticks, I get several errors saying that there are tick mismatches and that ticks are being discarded. I tried downloading only data from last year, it still didn't work. I tried to import data into a custom symbol and I couldn't. Is there anyway I can