
Product Validation

Hello developers, Is there any thing wrong with product validation process, I keep getting "No Trade Operation " error. The code is very simple and I use common "CheckVolumeValue" and "CheckMoneyForTrade" functions to check the lot size. I ll appreciate if anyone can help me

Give me some advice about cancelling a job.

Hello developers. I red Rules page, however I am not sure about this. If customer for some reason wants to cancel his offer after first level (requirement specification provided) and I accept his request, does it consider as a negative arbitration for me? what should we do if both sides wants to

How can define CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_DRAG without DROP?

Hello developers, Hope you all doing safe. I know that we can define CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_DRAG that works when we drop an object in the chart, but how can we define a chartevent that works when we drag and object before dropping it

Validation of a product

Hello developers, hope you all doing safe. I was going to publish my product in the market and I mistakenly categorized it as Expert but it is a Utility, when I added the program file to Version section, its validation failed due to no trading operation error, I corrected the category, but I cannot

Why I got overdue?

Hi Developers. Hope you all doing well. I did a job that has a deadline of 15 days and later the customer increases that time by two days and now it is 17 days. My execution time was 17 days as well but when the job has closed my overdue project increased I don't know why. Do anyone know why? I

withdraw from Paypal to account of others

Hello every one, hope you are doing well. I was trying to withdraw with Paypal, but the account is not mine, the problem is it says that "The PayPal account e-mail address should match the one specified on the Security page" and obviously my email account is different. Is there any way to withdraw

Webmoney withdrawal.

Hello every one, yesterday I saw that eventually MQL5 added webmoney withdrawal option again and I was so happy cause it is really troubling to withdraw with Visa or Paypal for us, and I know it is a trouble for many other user in MQL5 as well. but today I saw that they unbelievably remove it from

Trouble after my first withdrawal

Hello Developers, I hope you are doing well. After my first withdrawal by Visa cart one day suddenly gave me this message: "Hello, We need to perform additional verification of your account. This is a standard procedure meant to ensure the security of all members. Currently

Exchanging Contact information with customer

Hello developer, hope you all be well. After I finish the job the customer asks to exchange the Telegram number. Can I give him my number? Is it against the law or not

withdrawal with ePayment

Hi everyone, does anyone know why mql5 has removed epayment? Does it going to get back or not? What about any similar way for withdrawal? cause withdrawal with Paypal or visa cards are a bit difficult over here