
"Is it possible to change the user name on the MQL5 platform?

When I initially applied, I thought the user name could be changed later, but now it seems like it's not possible. Can I change my user name now

Challenges with Seller Application on MQL5: Collecting Solutions

Unfortunately, my seller application has been rejected. It appears that many fellow MQL5 users have faced challenges with the automated application process. Nonetheless, I will persist in my efforts. Do any of you have experience successfully becoming a seller ? I would like to gather insights from

Resolving VPS Auto-Close Position Issue and Accessing Trading Records and Logs

Hello everyone, I have recently designed an automated trading software for myself and encountered an issue during live trading that I would like to share and seek solutions for. When I use the Virtual Private Server (VPS) provided by the MQL4 platform, my trading positions are automatically closed

EA Placing Duplicate Orders!

Can I ask for advice from you guys? Sometimes my EA has the issue of placing two consecutive duplicate orders. Initially, I thought it was an error in my code, but when I checked my trading logs, I found that the duplicated orders did not have any corresponding trade numbers, and were not recorded