
introsort - array sorting algorithm for MetaTrader 5

hybrid sorting algorithm that provides both fast average performance and (asymptotically) optimal worst-case performance

gnome sort - array sorting algorithm for MetaTrader 5

gnome sort is based on the technique used by the dutch garden gnome

insertion sort - array sorting algorithm for MetaTrader 5

a simple sorting algorithm that people use to manually sort cards in a bridge hand

selection sort - array sorting algorithm for MetaTrader 5

an in-place comparison sorting algorithm

shell sort - array sorting algorithm for MetaTrader 5

an in-place comparison sort

heap sort - array sorting algorithm for MetaTrader 5

a much more efficient version of selection sort

merge sort - a merging method comparison-based sorting algorithm for MetaTrader 5

an efficient, general-purpose sorting algorithm

quick sort - sorting algorithm for MetaTrader 5

a highly efficient sorting algorithm, based on partitioning of array of data into smaller arrays

visitor - behavioral design pattern for MetaTrader 5

represent an operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure. visitor lets you define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates

template method - behavioral design pattern for MetaTrader 5

define the skeleton of an algorithm in an operation, deferring some steps to subclasses. template method lets subclasses redefine certain steps of an algorithm without changing the algorithm's structure


the MT5 'trade history' option consumes too much resources

when the trade history option is attached to a chart and you got many trades in your terminal history, the cpu load goes wild. seems like the terminal keeps recalculating the lines and arrows on the chart every tick ... stupid

Bug: inconsistent behavior of pointers (5.00, build 2650)

Please, see the code example to replicate the mistake. //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| 201022_083730.mq5 | //| 2019-2020, dimitri pecheritsa | //|

Table tree for comments

//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //TABLE TREE // | Normal text tables with comments ------------------------------------------------------------ // | | have text and // | | borders made of // | | | horizontal dash '-' // | | |

Decorator Pattern in MQL5

// DECORATOR // A way of sub-classing more functional objects, dynamically. // // RULE // Open classes for extension and close for changes // //

MetaEditor improvement suggestion for developers

Please add folding/unfolding on brackets

static int array[] - error in new Terminal

Hi The new build of the Termianl does not allow an array declared in the function as static . Example: static int a[]; ArrayResize (a, 1 ); The Compiler does not complain about it. But the Terminal does (4.00 build 890, 32-bit) Access violation write to 0x00000008 I used to have these type of