Dave77 / Publications
Nested If statement - 3 Conditions
I want to code an ea to activiate during 3 different time periods. How would I set this up?? I am not sure how to code a nested if conditional statement in MQ4. Where is all the examples to follow to code this language?? The rough times would be between the following GMT times. 6 to 9 11 to 16 18 to
Backtester - Where is one that is reliable??
After 3 years of trying to test EA's, both MT3 & MT4 types, I have been hoping that someone would of created a highly reliable Backtester that would backtest at least 3 years with 95+ accuracy. Why has nobody created one that they could market??? I would be glad to pay $100.00 for one that links up
Need Understanding
val1=0; val2=0; if open[Shift+1]close[Shift] then if close[shift+1]> iBANDS(IBAND,2,MODE_HIGH,Shift+1) then // val1=High[shift]; Begin ShortFlag=1; LongFlag=0; val1=High[shift]; end; MQL Questions: 1) What does Shift mean? Does it mean the current candlestick? Or a Moving Average ? 2) What does
Need MT3 Code help
Logic Statement Check: ma3_0 = iMAEx(27,MODE_LWMA,0,PRICE_LOW,0); If Close[1] < ma3_0 then . . . Question: is Close[1] proper in this statement
I need to even the table!
My expert advisor 'may be' working! The Meta backtester is messed up every which way you try to use it as I just learned. I thought that if a program did not use buy and sell stops it might work right - WRONG! My present program only uses BUY-SELL-CLOSE and it failed again! I just got to learn to
Help needed for MQLII audible Alarm statement
Could one of you fine MQLII programmers tell me what statement can be used to to sound an audible alarm on a custom indicator ? It must be compatible with a MQLII Custom Indicator. Your help would be very helpful. Dave77
ZeroCode Equivalent
Please see next question
Documented Flaw in Backtester sent to Metatrader.net
This 'Major Flaw' was documented this morning. The flaw created a 18 fold overstatement of the real trade. The real trade captured 33 pips, the backtester overstated it to 620+ pips. Is this cause for serious concern? I should think so. I have sent this documentation to my brokerage firm President
Houston, I have a problem!
This coding was to eliminate only pending buy and sell stop orders . It unfortunately is deleting both the pending buy and sell stop orders, but also the orders that are active and in play. How can I change this to only eliminate the pending and not the active buy and sell stops that are in play