
Problem when trying to deallocate RAM use by pointers of my EA

Hello people! :D All right? I have a question to solve about the use of pointers. I created this EA attached and I can not deallocate the use of RAM memory by the pointers present in EA. I already used delete on pointers and arrays and even then the RAM remains allocated just increasing the usage as

Last price reaches my TP and closes the position at negative profit (stock exchanges)

Hello guys! All right? I have a question to solve in the stock market (B3 - Brazilian). I developed an EA, however, I realized that in some moments (I believe that it is highly volatile), the Last price moves away from Ask and Bid, and in these situations Last reaches my TP in profit, however

Invalid Pointer When Change Timeframe of the Graph

Hello people! All right? When I change the timeframe of the graph, my EA triggers the invalid pointer error, currently I use many pointers, I noticed that with few pointers the error does not occur. I would like ideas and solutions for this situation. If I can keep working with the pointers better

How to define a conditional macro in this case?

Hello people! :) All right? I am looking for a way to define a FunctionLine conditional macro, that when the defined language is English, the macro returns ( " Function: " + __FUNCTION__ + " line: " + __LINE__"), when the defined language is Portuguese, the macro returns ( " Função: " +