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Added topic Strategy Tester Results Chart has problems when using custom data...
Hi, I've created a custom EURUSD-M5 dataset which I've imported into MetaTrader 5 and want to use with the Strategy Tester. The data set loads fine into Metatrader without any problems or errors. The strategy Tester works fine with this data during
Added topic Is OnChartEvent() actually called during a "Stratagy Tester - Visual Testing" mode session?
Hi, I've written an Expert that contains a few graphical buttons to enable me to change certain trading parameters "on-the-fly". I then want to be able to press these buttons during a Strategy Tester - Visual Tester mode session. According to the
Added topic Changes in History Quality of simulations...
Hi, Several months ago, I carried out a number of simulations which reported a History Quality of 98%. I ran those same simulations again today on the same broker's platform and only had a History Quality percentage of 92%. I also had a large chunk
Added topic Are Experts that are compiled on the latest version of MT5 guaranteed to work on earlier versions of MT5?
Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me with the following. I have modified several of my Experts and re-compiled them using the compiler from the latest build of MT5 (build 871). However, because the latest versions of MT5 crashes/freezes
Added topic Crash Logs..
Hi, With a lot of the new builds coming out, the build notes describing the build changes etc often contain the line " Fixed errors reported in crash logs". What are these crash logs - are they the windows crash logs or separate logs generated by
Added topic Are you required to carry out a manual data check and/or resynchronisation before using Indicator data??
Hi, As many of you would be aware, you need to carry out a manual data check and/or re-synchronisation of your pricing data before doing a CopyOpen(), CopyHigh() etc if you want to ensure you have the most recent data available. However, what's the
Added topic 64 bit MT5 build 858 locking up...
Hi, My broker released their 64 bit version of the MT5 build 858 yesterday and after upgrading from build 842 (which has been working fine) to this new version, MT5 sporadically locks up (i.e. freezes and becomes unresponsive). The only way of
Added topic MQL5 Storage and file security
Hi, I've just been having a look at the MQL5 storage facility and it looks pretty good. My only concern with it however is security. When Committing files to the storage, are they automatically encrypted? If not, what's to stop a local Storage server
Added topic Strategy Tester speed issues...
Hi, I don't know about you guys but I've been experiencing extremely slow performance when using the strategy tester in "Every Tick" mode. One pass (i.e. no optimisation) of my Expert takes approximately 13 minutes (!) when testing on 6 years of
Added topic Timeseries access and documentation confusion re: CopyXXX() functions...
Hi, I'm experiencing a bit of "documentation confusion" I hope someone can help me with. The documentation for all CopyXXX() functions contains the following note: "Note When requesting data from the indicator, if requested timeseries are not yet
Added topic Using MetaTrader Events to run batch files...
Hi, I'm having a few issues when attempting to configure MetaTrader's Events to run batch files. If I go to the Tools->Options->Events screen and configure the "Connect" and "Disconnect" events to run batch files (see accompanying graphic) as
Added topic Problems with SymbolSelect()...
Hi, I'm having a few issues with the SymbolSelect() function which I hope you can help me with. From my understanding of things, it's not possible to get any information on a symbol that's not the chart symbol, unless that symbol has been added to
Added topic 32/64 bit Expert compatibility...
Hi, Does anyone have any technical details with regards to running an Expert compiled on a 32 bit version of MetaTrader, on a 64 bit MetaTrader platform? What about the other way around (i.e. 64 bit Expert on a 32 bit version of MetaTrader). Is
Added topic Hiding Indicators during Stratagy Tester Visualization...
Hi, I have a bit of a problem I hope someone can help me with. I'm wanting to hide the indicator panes in the strategy tester DURING a visualization. I realise that you can use IndicatorRelease() in the OnDeinit()  event handler or
Added topic Optimisation Agents locking up/freezing...
Hi,   I'm having a few difficulties keeping my local agents running when doing an optimisation. The optimisation seems to start alright but after 4 or 5 passes, a random agent's "status" percentage will slow down to a crawl or freeze completely
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