
Issue on BmpLabel MT5

I insert a bitmap of the graphic and when I click on it, the image does not change. I found out it when an expert doesn't work by clicking on an image. Also on click on the image sparam is empty. It also happens to anyone else

Retrieve m_check_group Text row

Hi, I would like to retrieve the text of row in check group but I found only value. void CPanelDialog::OnChangeCheckGroup( void ) { Print ( __FUNCTION__ + " : Value=" + IntegerToString (m_check_group_forex.Value())); } I would like permit to add rows from user and finally read the new

Compiling Cloud Protect: sending request to protector server error (0-0, #0)

It is many days that I have this problem in compiling with Cloud Protect. Also for default indicator, not my code. Someone else

Retrieve PC's hardware in MetaTrader4

Hi, how to retrieve Hardware identifier (motherboard or other unique identifier) with MT4