
Signal with Purchased EA?

Hi If I buy an EA, can I then use it to provide a signal? Thanks

Feedback Stars not showing

Can anyone help please? The review not showing on my product score: <Deleted>

Link to other products

Does anyone know if we are allowed to put links to our other products in the description of them? Thanks so much

How di I improve my product description?

I have 2 new products, both of which are have " Product rating lowered for bad description " I think I have followed all the guidelines - help would be much appreciated. Am I allowed to list the products here so you could see them

Error when uploading product description

I'm getting what seems to be a false error when uploading a product sibscription. Max characters allowed 3600, my description 2377 but too long?? I have tried removing all formatting and pasting that but I get the same. Any ideas please

Cannot upload Logo for product

Hi I am trying to upload this logo for my product . It is a jpeg file, 200x200 pixels. If I try to upload this, it says "Invalid Format" If I remove the writing, but keep EVERYTHING else the same - it uploads without a problem. Any ideas please

Signals Opening and CLosing immediately

Help please! I've subscribed to an MQL5 signal - but the trades on my account open and close at the CLOSE time of the sgnal provider. ie Signal trade opened at 13:28 and closed at 13:30 My copied trade opens AND closes at 13:30 This has happened for all trades from this signal (but not another one I

Help with error "EX4 file must be compiled using #property strict directive"

Error when tryingh to upload my EA for sale : "EX4 file must be compiled using #property strict directive." ...but it IS complied that way -- how do I upload it please? Thanks everyone

How Do I Become A Seller on MQL5 ??

Can anyone point me to a link where info on becoming a seller is etc please? Thanks