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Added topic Indicator not shown sporadically
Hello, i have an indicator with 12 lines. Sometimes, when switching timeframe, indicator lines disappear. There is no crash, because other functions of indicator still work fine, also no error in the log. Where should i look ? (MT5). Thank you
Added topic CEdit limited length
Hello, it seems CEdit has a limited length, it seems 64 chars. The class seems not to have members to extend this. Is this intended or a bug ? Thank you
Added topic Editor does unwanted scrolling
Hello MetaTrader Team, my MetaEditor very often makes unwanted scrolling to top. For instance, when i compile a script which is on chart or even just when changing tab in editor. Coudl you fix this please. Thank you
Added topic Bitmaps not on foreground
Hello, i want my bitmaps on foreground. Thought, just set a flag and that's it. Unfortunately, it is not.    bool               CreateBitmap( string name
Added topic Can not get bitmap loaded
Hello,  when i create a bitmap    if (! ObjectCreate (chart_ID,name, OBJ_BITMAP ,sub_window,time,price))      {        Print ( __FUNCTION__
Added topic SetIndexStyle for mql5
Hello, in mql4 i can set style and color for an indicator dynamically usign function  SetIndexStyle(index, DRAW_LINE ,EMPTY, 1 ,my_clr); Is there something similar in mql5 or do i need to use  #property indicator_type1   
Added topic CCanvas::CreateBitmap File not found
Hello, wish you all good new year 2021. I want to use  CCanvas::CreateBitmap to show a Bitmap on Chart. The Bitmap is loaded by: CCanvas::LoadFromFile Unfortuntely, i get always File not found (5002) returned. The Bitmap definitely is in the
Added topic file not recognized in backtest
Hello, i want to use a parameter file for my strategy. param.txt The param file is in MQL5/files. When i open datafolder/MQL5/files, i can see the file there. Also, the file loaded correctly when applying strategy to chart. Loading fails when
Added topic Commissions are important to know for backtesting but not accessible
This code always returns zero for commissions void OnTradeTransaction ( const MqlTradeTransaction & trans
Added topic Commssions in Backtest
Hello, i like commissions to be respected in backtest and it seems settings you can do  when clicking "emulate slippage..." on backtesting settings have no impact. In order to test, i created an own commission row for the instrument of backtest
Added topic Problem with
Hello, i want to check day of week using TimeToStruct within OnTick, when new bar occurs. The problem: Day of week is constant .  TimeToStruct on latest completed bar fetched with CopyRates,  returns no error an also the bar date is
Added topic Phantom Trades on backtest chart
Hello, how is it possible that i see trades on the chart that are not done in backtesting . For instance, the highest trade number in my backtest report is #13 but on the chart opened after backtest i see trades #313 etc. with a size nowhere used in
Added topic Database problem
Hello guys, this function is not inserting any values to database: void db_test( void ) {          uint flags= DATABASE_OPEN_READWRITE | DATABASE_OPEN_CREATE ;         
Added topic How to know to be in trading hours of symbol
Hello community, when  open symbol information from market view, i can see trading hours for symbol. But i do not find a corresponding function to fetch this information. How do i know, if am currently in trading hours for symbol ? Thank you
Added topic How to know a symbol is a currency pair
and no CFD or future, etc. ? In mql4 and mql5. Anyone has an idea ? Thank you
Added topic Debug mode chart closed suddenly (and expert removed with reason=4)
Hello, i newly have the problem, that my expert which runs in debug mode, is closed. The uninit reason is 4 -> Chart removed. No error else in the expert log. The chart in fact has been removed.  This happens, when there is a pending oder, i
Added topic Horizontal line not deleted
Hello community, i have an expert which can create horizontal lines . When detach expert, they get deleted but very often (not always) remain in chart. When delete object, i get error 4207.    ResetLastError ();    if (
Added topic OrderSelect(...MODE_HISTORY) returns true for pending orders
Hello, when i call this function with a ticket of a pending order int check_ticket_status( ulong ticket) {      if ( OrderSelect ( ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET , MODE_TRADES ) == true )     {
Added topic Backtest [Trade disabled]
What is the cause, how to remove this ? JS       2        00 : 07 : 19.699     Core 1    2017.06 . 01 00 : 02 : 00    failed instant buy 2.20 EURUSD
Added topic Historical data problem
Please do not move this thread. There is a problem and it would be nice to clarify it. My Backtester tells me 11 % quality ticks. I don't know why ticks mentioned here because i set OHCL 1 Minute and the backtest is based on hour bars. When i go on