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Статья продолжает цикл для начинающих. Здесь будут рассмотрены основные принципы построения советников. Мы создадим два советника: первый будет торговать без индикаторов, отложенными ордерами, второй — на основе стандартного индикатора MA, торгующий с помощью сделок по текущей цене. Здесь я предполагаю, что вы уже не совсем новичок и владеете материалом предыдущих статей относительно свободно.

В этой статье разбираются основные операторы для изменения потока выполнения: условия, циклы, переключатель. Использование этих операторов добавит создаваемым нами функциям возможность действовать "интеллектуально".

The article is a continuation of the series for beginners. It covers in detail data arrays, the interaction of data and functions, as well as global terminal variables that allow data exchange between different MQL5 programs.

This is the third article in a series describing the main aspects of MQL5 programming. This article covers complex data types that were not discussed in the previous article. These include structures, unions, classes, and the 'function' data type. It also explains how to add modularity to your program using the #include preprocessor directive.

This is a continuation of the series for beginners. In this article, we'll look at how to create constants and variables, write dates, colors, and other useful data. We will learn how to create enumerations like days of the week or line styles (solid, dotted, etc.). Variables and expressions are the basis of programming. They are definitely present in 99% of programs, so understanding them is critical. Therefore, if you are new to programming, this article can be very useful for you. Required programming knowledge level: very basic, within the limits of my previous article (see the link at the beginning).

This article is an introduction to a series of articles about programming. It is assumed here that the reader has never dealt with programming before. So, this series starts from the very basics. Programming knowledge level: Absolute Beginner.

DRAKON is a visual programming language designed to simplify interaction between specialists from different fields (biologists, physicists, engineers...) with programmers in Russian space projects (for example, in the Buran reusable spacecraft project). In this article, I will talk about how DRAKON makes the creation of algorithms accessible and intuitive, even if you have never encountered code, and also how it is easier for customers to explain their thoughts when ordering trading robots, and for programmers to make fewer mistakes in complex functions.

Alan Andrews is one of the most famous "educators" of the modern world in the field of trading. His "pitchfork" is included in almost all modern quote analysis programs. But most traders do not use even a fraction of the opportunities that this tool provides. Besides, Andrews' original training course includes a description not only of the pitchfork (although it remains the main tool), but also of some other useful constructions. The article provides an insight into the marvelous chart analysis methods that Andrews taught in his original course. Beware, there will be a lot of images.

Graphical price analysis systems are deservedly popular among traders. In this article, I am going to describe the complete Murray system, including its famous levels, as well as some other useful techniques for assessing the current price position and making a trading decision.

The article considers several methods of applying the Moving Average indicator. Each method involving a curve analysis is accompanied by indicators visualizing the idea. In most cases, the ideas shown here belong to their respected authors. My sole task was to bring them together to let you see the main approaches and, hopefully, make more reasonable trading decisions. MQL5 proficiency level — basic.

In this article, we will further develop the idea of drawing graphical objects on charts using keyboard shortcuts. New tools have been added to the library, including a straight line plotted through arbitrary vertices, and a set of rectangles that enable the evaluation of the reversal time and level. Also, the article shows the possibility to optimize code for improved performance. The implementation example has been rewritten, allowing the use of Shortcuts alongside other trading programs. Required code knowledge level: slightly higher than a beginner.

The article describes the basic principles and methods that allow you to analyze any strategy using spreadsheets (Excel, Calc, Google). The obtained results are compared with MetaTrader 5 tester.

Thomas DeMark Sequential is good at showing balance changes in the price movement. This is especially evident if we combine its signals with a level indicator, for example, Murray levels. The article is intended mostly for beginners and those who still cannot find their "Grail". I will also display some features of building levels that I have not seen on other forums. So, the article will probably be useful for advanced traders as well... Suggestions and reasonable criticism are welcome...

This is the next article within the series, in which I show how I created a convenient library for manual application of chart graphics by utilizing keyboard shortcuts. The tools used include straight lines and their combinations. In this part, we will view how the drawing tools are applied using the functions described in the first part. The library can be connected to any Expert Advisor or indicator which will greatly simplify the charting tasks. This solution DOES NOT use external dlls, while all the commands are implemented using built-in MQL tools.

This is the first article in a series, in which I am going to describe a toolkit which enables manual application of chart graphics by utilizing keyboard shortcuts. It is very convenient: you press one key and a trendline appears, you press another key — this will create a Fibonacci fan with the necessary parameters. It will also be possible to switch timeframes, to rearrange layers or to delete all objects from the chart.