
Debugging with real data

Hi, I'm currently testing and debugging a MQL5 US30 strategy. The tester is set to work on a US30 chart and historical tests work fine. However, if I click the debugging on real data button, the terminal opens a EURUSD chart rather than US30. I assumed that it would automatically use the symbol set

How to check if a Magic Number is already used?

In my EA, I use the following line of code to register its Magic Number: m_trade.SetExpertMagicNumber(Magic); The function has no return value, so is there a generic method to check whether a Magic Number is already in use? I'm looking to block an EA from loading if the Magic Number already exists

Strategy tester journal

Hi, I'm using the Strategy Tester to debug an MQL5 EA strategy that inadvertently issues many PositionModify commands - the journal gets full of server messages and its hard to see the wood from the trees. When using the Strategy Tester, is it possible to (temporarily) block server messages - I just

Visual Studio Code & Git source control

Hi, I've been using Visual Studio Code for a while and I'm quite happy with it - I want to add source code control, Git specifically ( Version control in Visual Studio Code ) and wondered if anyone had any tips or advice for its use with MQL5 projects, or better alternatives that work with VSC. I've

Republished indicator

I tried to access an indicator that I had bought earlier from the Market place link, but it showed as unavailable. I think this means that either the author or Metaquotes removed it from the Marketplace - but I can still download and install it from the terminal. However, when I looked at the

MT5 Strategy tester optimisation question

Hi, When using the strategy tester for optimisation, is it possible to ignore certain combinations? For instance, if I optimise the below parameters (example), the tester will test all combinations even if the first parameter is false: For example: Ideally, I only want combinations of Bollinger

Metatrader VPS restarts?

On my live charts, running on a Metatrader VPS, I use a custom indicator which monitors, amongst other things, drawdown and free margin. The indicator sends push alerts at set levels and a test alert when the indicator is reloaded. This morning I received a test alert for each of my live charts

Connect to MT5 VPS with web browser?

Hi, I have an MT5 account migrated to a Metatrader VPS. If I don't have access to the PC where the terminal is installed, is it still possible to monitor the VPS ? - i.e Through WebTerminal, or some other method? Thanks

MQL VPS question

Hi, I'm thinking about using Metaquote's VPS (MT5). As far as I can see from the product page and tutorial, the process will migrate my terminal/charts/EA/indicators to a VPS. Will this process cost me additional activations for marketplace EA/indictors that I'm using? Thanks

Converting MQL4 trade functions to MQL5

Hi, I've programmed MQL5 for a while but don't know much about MQL4 and I need to convert some MQL4 code with trade function to work with MQL5. As far as I can see, MQL4 deals with both positions/orders with the same functions, whilst MQL5 has separate functions for positions/orders. For example, am