Cassio Centurion
Cassio Centurion

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Cassio Centurion
Added topic Starting up multiple charts
Hello folks, I to know if there is some way to automate the opening of multiple charts, with different EA or strategy presets. I have to test hundred of strategies and its quite boring and time cosumlng to open one by one manually. Im
Cassio Centurion
Added topic Automating the Update of Custom Symbols in MT5
Hello folks! I have several custom symbols in my MT5. I would like to know if there is a way to update them automatically using MQL5 or Python. I already have software that keeps my historical data up-to-date in a CSV file. However, I’m still
Cassio Centurion
Added topic MT5 Start with configuration.ini
Hello, I have a Python script that automates backtest reports in MT5, starting the platform with a .ini file. Currently, there is a delay when the platform connects to my broker, taking about 18 seconds to log in, followed by 3 seconds to generate
Cassio Centurion
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