
PIP Difference Calculator

Hey Does anyone know if there is a pip difference calculator ? Which shows you, for example; Entry point on EURGBP 0.8330 to buy and you are at 0.8340 would there be something to say you are at +10 pips? Be good to have when you have multiple trades open. Anyone know of any

Forex Margin, have I understood it?

Hey guys quick question here... How to properly calculate margin ? As far as I understand if you have a 1:100 leverage that is 1% margin required of your lot size. Therfore if you have a lot size of 0.1 (10,000) that is £100. However, when I open certain currencies the margin is sometimes above/less

economic calendar

hey hope this is in the correct forum, if not could a mod please move it! Need some help with time zones and the economic calendar you guys have. Right now on my PC it says: 6:05 Taking for example, the JPY Consumer Confidence states "Next 0h 54m 10s". Economic calendar is set at GMT. Economic

Using time frames in trading

Hey guys, First post here! I've been trading for a few months now with mixed success using different indicators to aid me in my decision. I always tend to use several time graphs to get a trend across all of them, however this is where I have the question. I can't quite grasp what the time graphs