Brian Kester
Brian Kester
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8+ years
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Brian Kester
Added topic am i doing this right? Used ArrayCopySeries to bring highs/lows to my entry TF, now I need to get iLowest shift from higher TF
Can anyone just please verify i am on the right track  before i go further--  I  used ArrayCopySeries   to bring the higher timeframe bar data into my lower time frame. now i want to run iLowest on that data, but i think that
Brian Kester
Added topic is there a faster way than this to get the bar number of lower low 100k bars back?
if the next lower bar is 100,000 bars back, is there a faster way than this to get the bar number?   //--- starting with last closed bar, find next lower low int next_lower_low()  {   for(int i=2;i<Bars;i++)    { 
Brian Kester
Added topic correct? variable/100 = zero?
Please explain why the MT4 result is 0 rather than .01 ?  thanks.   int number= 1 ; double Perc_As_Decimal = number/ 100 ;      //-- result expected: .01 Print ( "result = " +Perc_As_Decimal); result = 0
Brian Kester
Added topic Simplest way to make dynamic array 2nd dimension indexes all to zero without a loop?
I have searched and tried to figure it out for a couple weeks without making a loop and setting each index to zero individually. Is there a simple way to just clear all the indexes in the 2nd dimension? seems like Arrayinitialize() only clears the
Brian Kester
Added topic You know the sound when the strategy tester finishes? I think i might have found the sound sample origin
they might have sped it up x 100 but it sounds pretty close.
Brian Kester
Added topic compiling EA on a chart reverts settings to default, how to stop that?
Hi, Sorry i was not able to find the answer, compiling my EA on a chart reverts external variables to default, what allows the EA on a chart after compiling to keep the settings user had input? Thanks alot
Brian Kester
Added topic Object is ok on bigger timeframes, but is deleted on M5 timeframe
Hi masters, I have searched to no avail. I have an H1 trendline object based on iLow and iTime, it works fine switching between timeframes until i switch down to the M5 timeframe and then the object is gone and not even in the objects list! Its gojne
Brian Kester
Added topic Compiling an EA while attached to live chart deletes all the arrows
Is it normal when compiling an EA while its on a live chart that all the arrows and dotted lines showing closed orders all delete? thx
Brian Kester
Added topic how to compact this code please?
Hi, I made this code to create increasing gaps between next orders. Can someone help me understand how to compact this?  Thank you as always I appreciate it. (ps i intentionally left out index 0 in the examples) void gapsteps()
Brian Kester
Added topic partial close also results in a new order opening at the order open price and at the lot size of the partially closed order.
Hi, if my EA partial-closes its order, another ticket opens down at the Orderopen price of the order that just partial - closed (which should be impossible for example in the below picture ticket #20 opens at 20 pips below the bid/Ask line) It
Brian Kester
Left feedback to developer for job Basket EA buy sell all
Brian Kester
Added topic silly question maybe, but is there a way to autofill a function name so the () is put in there instead of having to type it?
after three letters typing a function name it drops the menu down and if you hit enter it pops the word into line, but not the parenthesis. Is there a way to get the ( ) to auto-fill along with the function name when you do this? I think over time it
Brian Kester
Added topic retrieving structure variable data from an array of that structure data type
Hi, I am learning to use an array of the structure data type.  Specifically, to access the multiple dot-notated variables' from the structure array .   I can declare a structure, list the variables, assign data to those
Brian Kester
Added topic need help conceptualizing approach to identify multiple groups, should i use string or array to assign numbers to the variables?
Hi I can assign the ticket numbers to the variables and continually check them against the OrderProfit of all the other open orders, but my problem is this.......What if a 2nd hedge group opens while hedge1 is still open? my variables
Brian Kester
Added topic is this how to do it? if OrdersTotal increases by 1 then Print……
Is this how to print when a new order opens?   if( OrdersTotal () ++) Print (“a new Order has opened, OrdersTotal () is now = “+ OrdersTotal () );     thanks pros  :) 
Brian Kester
Added topic function prints the order position where i expect it to print the order ticket number
My function prints the order position where i expect it to print the order ticket number. I followed the format from  . It appears it should print the ticket number. Can one of my coding
Brian Kester
Added topic using icustom without knowing how many candles back to get buffer output
Hi, I am a new programmer. I have read the book and documentation.  I have been searching my question on icustom. How can i find the last signal produced by my custom indicator without knowing how many bars back the last one
Brian Kester
Added topic Why use "Long" integer type rather than just "int"?
Hi i am a new programmer. Can someone please give me an answer to why I would use "Long" as integer type rather than "int" when creating ivolume variable? I speculate the reason is because int type is 4 bytes and Long type is 8
Brian Kester
Left feedback to developer for job MTF Fib EA (build and tutorial/teach)
Brian Kester
Left feedback to developer for job Modify EA