
Creating a restriction

How is it the best way to create a restriction ? (expert, script) Assuming that I will be trading (not a robot) - In the beginning of the day I can choose my limit loss equity and max tolerance. - If I lost a trade, and my equity is lower than my limit loss, the software don`t allow to open new

Is it possibly to create just an exit rule for robot (semi-robot) ?

Is it possibly, that I decide when to buy, and the robot would finish the rest of trade ? If it can be possible, Is there an special function to do this interaction between me and the robot, to don`t create any kind on conflict ? Thank you so much

Ajusting Indicator

Hello, I'm using this indicator: I am trying to modify the values returned. I want that indicator returns differents values when it is in differents positions. This example shows 2 stocks, one working ok, and other return just 1 value. If someone could help me, I