
Get text from window

Hi all! There is code of script which get the name of chart window in MetaTrader 4 terminal (e.g. " EURUSD ,M1"): #import "user32.dll" int GetParent( int hWnd); int GetWindow( int hWnd, int uCmd); int GetWindowTextA( int hWnd, string str, int nMaxCount); int GetWindowTextLengthA( int i);


Hello! I have some EA, which in init() function creates one file and delete it in deinit() function. In start() function EA opens and close it. The problem is that sometimes (don't understand why) file is not deleted and I get ERR_SOME_FILE_ERROR 4100. Please, tell me, how to fix this problem

"Trade is disabled" message

Hello! Here it is simple programm and it works sometimes not correct: #property copyright "Copyright © 2012" #property link "" #include "include/stdlib.mqh" extern double INDENT = 0.0001 ; //indent for pending order extern double STOP = 0.001 ; //indent for setting