Arno van Niekerk
Arno van Niekerk
Teacher at China
Arno van Niekerk
Added topic using "setup" probability as a way to determine if trade should be entered or not
Hi guys! I'm trying to code a simple probability based EA.  Now thing is, I don't have code based of this at the moment, but really am looking at any tutorial/article that deals with this, since I dont know where to start. If you do know of any
Arno van Niekerk
Added topic Struggling to get a proper deal time from HistoryDealGetInteger
Hi Guys, as the topic states, HistoryDealGetInteger, doesnt give me a proper time when using the DEAL_TIME enum I get a value like 1578062560. Could anyone advise what im doing wrong? Im without Internet so I cant copy paste my code in the right
Arno van Niekerk
Added topic Can't Hide/Delete Symbol from Market Watch
Hi all, I've run into this particular bug, I can't seem to "Hide" or Delete my Symbols from Market Watch, I'm using ICMarkets, Can anybody confirm if this is a bug or does MT just suck? I've hidden Symbols before, but always struggle with this. Kind
Arno van Niekerk
Added topic Sorting my Comments based on values high to low - Please help.
Hi Guys, I'm at a loss. I have searched everywhere, far and wide, but alas, I struggle to even remotely find relevent information on sorting my comments based on their values. Probably because it's too simple. Please excuse my coding noobness. My
Arno van Niekerk
Added topic Struggling to permanently change string/bool value
Hi guys, I'm having some trouble with my code. At the moment I want to change my string value(also have tried using the bool function, but same problem persists) to "UpTrend" or "DownTrend" , now the comments on the chart looks good with it's
Arno van Niekerk
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