
need help

hello , i have a problem in the code . for ( int Path_Counter = 0 ; ; Path_Counter ++) { FileSeek (File_Id,End_Line_Char+ 1 , SEEK_SET ); string File_Str= FileReadString (File_Id, 1000000 ); int End_Of_Line= StringFind (File_Str, "\n" , 0 ); End_Line_Char+=End_Of_Line+ 1 ;

mql4 question

hello, i have a problem in the code . for (int Path_Counter = 0 ; ; Path_Counter ++) { FileSeek(File_Id,End_Line_Char+1, SEEK_SET ); string File_Str=FileReadString(File_Id,1000000); int End_Of_Line=StringFind(File_Str,"\n",0); End_Line_Char+=End_Of_Line+1; ArrayResize(Client_Paths,Path_Counter+1);

get information from file

how i can get a information very high speed quality from csv file that include the time,open,high,low,close,volume

order at same time

in mql 4 or 5 we have a function that get functions that used at a same time and order them ? exp : if 2 experts want to open position at same time in mql 4-5 we have a function to order the open position requests ? and if no how we can resolve it