
How to ignore default hotkeys in MQL4

Is there a way to ignore the default hotkey functions in MQL4. Example: Pressing up arrow does a fast scroll and navigates a couple of bars to the right. I want to ignore it and have it do nothing so that I can make a custom hotkey function for the up arrow with CHARTEVENT_KEYDOWN . I've tried

How to close a .exe opened with ShellExecuteW

How do I close an exe opened with ShellExecuteW? I've heard of ShellExecuteEx and TerminateProcess but I do not know what parameters to import. If anybody could also tell me where you find how to import other shell32 functions for use in MQL4. #import "shell32.dll" int ShellExecuteW( int hwnd

Question about zooming function

I am trying to change the position the chart is fixed to when zooming in and out. By default its fixed to the leftmost bar, I'd like it to be fixed to the rightmost bar. So when I zoom out more bars will appear on the left of the chart. If somebody could point me in the direction to change that