Alexander Hoch
Alexander Hoch
Friends 1
Alexander Hoch
Added topic include file (common) access
Hi, I'm working with three different MetaEditors (A,B,C) and develop three different MT4-Programs (P1,P2,P3). All programs are using the following include-file  #include <Lib_Base.mqh> (stored in the include-file-direcrory of A,B,C) When I
Alexander Hoch
Added topic Want to reduce sourcecode for "Setting Variables Of Type Structure"
Hi, here's an example of my Question/Problem? Lets define the following structure ...   struct DP_ButtonRecord { int DP_SetupNumber; string DP_SetupName; int DP_ButtonNumber; ..... The variable for the Structure is definied as a an array of 10
Alexander Hoch
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