

I told you a while back the Aussie Dollar is strong and really that should be the one I traded. I also told you that when everyone was screaming to go short the Yen pairs because of an over bought RSI and other wonderful ideas they thought of, I said it could quite easily be a pullback or a

Making Profits Intraday

One of the hardest things when we are trading is grinding out profits intraday when things are quiet or setting up for something bigger. Especially if everyone is telling us that something big has occurred in the charts. Sometimes we can jump the gun only to find that out that the big thing we

I said the Euro was strong

Remember I told you a couple of days ago that the EURO was strong. In trading you never listen to opinion but rather watch what’s going on. Is this the start of something bigger in the first part of next year for the EURO? That big stall we had in the US session before Christmas due to Fiscal Cliff