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Added topic Is curve fitting less likely on intraday strategies (1min-5min) over muti decades with a large sample size?
Hello, We understand that curve fitting is clearly an issue. But might it be harder to curve fit a strategy that trades on the 1-5 minute timeframe over say 10 years if it's trading 1000s of times. Isn't curve fitting more likely on the higher
Added topic Is 457 trades, traded over 16 years a good sample size? (Algo trading MT5)
Hello community,  [PLEASE SEE ATTACHED EQUITY CURVE] I've searched this forum to work out if I should be focused on backtesting a large sample size of trades, or a smaller sample size backtested over a longer timeframe. It's a case of  '
Added topic Use 128 threads as agents for optimization on 64 core CPU
Hello community,  My first post here. I have a 64 core AMD Threadripper CPU workstation with 512GB of RAM.  I'm currently using all 64 available cores for optimizing my algos, although the CPU has 128 threads. From what I've read, agents
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