@TrueHedgeFX Trading Stress-Free Trading by Copying & Mirroring Trades. Twitter - #TrueHedge #TradingSignal Pay-Per-Trade Signals Available at: http://www.FXJunction.com/profile/TrueHedge...
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5 February 2015, 06:47
Here's a good documentary on PBS Frontline - The Crash. The Thai Baht vs USD. George Soros, Bill Clinton, Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin, et al. Why pegging to another currency is not good fiscal & monetary policy?! It happens over and over again...
  • 283
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21 January 2015, 01:41 #gold
A-Hole Move & Extremely Poor Decision Making Skills Exhibited by the Incompetent People Who Run the Swiss National Bank! The Following Charts Display Major Currencies that Trade Against the CHF. Google+ Link Twitter Link Part 1 Twitter Link Part 2...
  • 102
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16 January 2015, 03:08 #Swiss National Bank
Traders... Did you know that FXStat is a scam?! They will take your money as a signal copier... but NOT pay you as a signal provider. DO NOT DO Business with FXStat...
Weekly Trends
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9 July 2014, 22:48
ForexRazor Analytics...
Trading Systems
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9 July 2014, 20:28