
arguments in .Buy() from CTrade

Hi, i have the following code: CTrade Trade; void OnTick (){ ... if (TotalPosicoes == 0 && Espaco > 0 && Signal == true ){ Trade.Buy(Contratos, _Symbol , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ); } else if ((TotalContratos >= (TotalVolume + Contratos)) && (Espaco > 0 ) && Signal == true ){ if

Netting to Hedging

Hello, i want to change from Netting to Hedging vount in my demo Account . I use ActiveTradesCorp-server because i like to play with Bra50, how can i do that? Thanks

Strategy Tester Visualization

Hello, i don't understand why it's says "stop" when i believed that it has to say "sell" instead. Look in the column "Action" and "Type"

Different values in the Strategy Tester visualization

Hello, in the Journal of the tool box i have certain value of a MA and in the Data window another value for the same period and candle, am i looking good

Problem in a strategy

I have the following code(is not mine) in an Expert Advisor: if ((Handle(DXHandle, 0 ) - Simbolo.Ask()) >= (DXPontosDistancia * _Point )){...} Handle(DXHandle,0) is a function that returns the value of an moving average of seven candles of one minute. DXPontosDistancia is a value that they obtained

Pass a bot from mql5 to Python

Hi, i'm in a middle of a dilema here. I'm trying to pass a bot written entirely in mql5 to python for a job. It is a challange for getting a job. I know Python but i'm learning since December mql5 but it's hard now to understand the algorithm without any explanation. I guess i can show some parts of

Problems with PositionTotal()

This is my code and i want to know if PositionTotal() always return 0 #include <Trade\SymbolInfo.mqh> CSymbolInfo symbol; double ask,puntos,resultado,porcentaje,TotalPuntosGerenciamiento; int i; int OnInit () { //Comment(symbol.Ask()); return ( INIT_SUCCEEDED ); } void OnDeinit ( const int


Hi, i'm trayng to make this work but i can't see the current Ask price and i don' t understand why? #include <Trade\SymbolInfo.mqh> #include <Trade\Trade.mqh> CSymbolInfo Simbolo; int OnInit () { return ( INIT_SUCCEEDED ); } void OnDeinit ( const int reason) { } void OnTick () {