Rental FastScalp MIFX Pekei
0 reviews
10 weeks
0 / 0 USD
growth since 2024 41%
To see trades in realtime, please log in or register
  • Equity
  • Drawdown
Profit Trades:
137 (87.26%)
Loss Trades:
20 (12.74%)
Best trade:
22.17 USD
Worst trade:
-45.21 USD
Gross Profit:
700.72 USD (71 293 pips)
Gross Loss:
-211.85 USD (20 948 pips)
Maximum consecutive wins:
43 (178.25 USD)
Maximal consecutive profit:
178.25 USD (43)
Sharpe Ratio:
Trading activity:
Max deposit load:
Latest trade:
30 minutes ago
Trades per week:
Avg holding time:
15 hours
Recovery Factor:
Long Trades:
135 (85.99%)
Short Trades:
22 (14.01%)
Profit Factor:
Expected Payoff:
3.11 USD
Average Profit:
5.11 USD
Average Loss:
-10.59 USD
Maximum consecutive losses:
2 (-43.62 USD)
Maximal consecutive loss:
-45.21 USD (1)
Monthly growth:
Algo trading:
Drawdown by balance:
0.01 USD
114.61 USD (8.85%)
Relative drawdown:
By Balance:
11.30% (114.62 USD)
By Equity:
16.24% (164.78 USD)


Symbol Deals Sell Buy
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Symbol Gross Profit, USD Loss, USD Profit, USD
200 400 600 800 1K
200 400 600 800 1K
200 400 600 800 1K
Symbol Gross Profit, pips Loss, pips Profit, pips
20K 40K 60K 80K 100K
20K 40K 60K 80K 100K
20K 40K 60K 80K 100K
  • Deposit load
  • Drawdown
Best trade: +22.17 USD
Worst trade: -45 USD
Maximum consecutive wins: 43
Maximum consecutive losses: 1
Maximal consecutive profit: +178.25 USD
Maximal consecutive loss: -43.62 USD

The average slippage based on execution statistics on real accounts of various brokers is specified in pips. It depends on the difference between the provider's quotes from "Monex-Live" and the subscriber's quotes, as well as on order execution delays. Lower values mean better quality of copying.

No data

Halo teman-teman komunitas trading emas yang terhormat!

Kami dengan senang hati memperkenalkan Software Expert Advisor FastScalp kepada Anda. Software ini telah melalui berbagai pengujian ketat di bawah pengawasan broker terpercaya MIFX/Monex, yang diatur oleh Bappebti di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan Expert Advisor FastScalp, Anda akan menikmati pengalaman trading forex yang stabil, cepat, dan efisien, mulai dari investasi minimal sebesar $1042.

Expert Advisor FastScalp bukan hanya perangkat lunak biasa; ini merupakan perpaduan antara pengetahuan mendalam dan teknologi terkini. Dirancang sebagai solusi 'one-shot', FastScalp secara khusus disesuaikan untuk pasangan mata uang XAUUSD pada timeframe 1 menit. Namun, performanya yang handal juga telah terbukti pada pasangan mata uang lainnya seperti GBPUSD, EURUSD, USDCAD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, serta komoditas XAUUSD dan XAGUSD.

Apa yang membuat FastScalp istimewa dibandingkan dengan Expert Advisor lainnya?

  1. Tingkat Akurasi 80%: Nikmati kehandalan dengan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi, memberikan keuntungan lebih sering dari yang Anda harapkan.

  2. Fitur Stop Loss, Trailing Stop, dan Take Profit: Lupakan kekhawatiran tentang margin call. FastScalp dilengkapi dengan fitur-fitur ini untuk melindungi investasi Anda.

  3. Modal Awal Terjangkau: Mulai trading hanya dengan $1000, memungkinkan lebih banyak trader untuk memanfaatkan FastScalp dan meningkatkan keuntungan mereka.

  4. Kepemilikan Seumur Hidup: Setelah Anda membeli FastScalp beserta e-book pendukungnya, perangkat lunak ini menjadi milik Anda tanpa biaya tambahan seumur hidup.

Jangan lewatkan kesempatan emas ini! Pesan sekarang dan nikmati preset gratis yang telah dioptimalkan untuk timeframe M1 dan M5. Anda juga akan mendapatkan jaminan seumur hidup - jika ada masalah dengan file, kami akan menggantinya tanpa biaya tambahan!

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pemesanan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami melalui WhatsApp/Telegram di 08159910880.

Untuk mendapatkan perangkat lunak dan Ebook FastScalp, silakan klik tautan di bawah ini atau bisa konsultasi ke nomor WhatsApp/Telegram +628159910880.

Untuk mendapatkan profit dari Software FastScalp tanpa beli silahkan klik link dibawah ini

Bergabung bersama client dan customer lain silahkan klik link channel telegram

Bergabung bersama client dan customer lain silahkan klik link channel whatsapp

Hello esteemed members of the gold trading community!

We are excited to introduce the FastScalp Expert Advisor Software to you. This software has undergone rigorous testing under the supervision of the reputable MIFX/Monex broker, which is regulated by Bappebti in Indonesia. By using the FastScalp Expert Advisor, you will enjoy a stable, fast, and efficient forex trading experience, starting with a minimum investment of $1042.

The FastScalp Expert Advisor is not just any ordinary software; it is a combination of deep knowledge and cutting-edge technology. Designed as a 'one-shot' solution, FastScalp is specifically tailored for the XAUUSD currency pair on the 1-minute timeframe. However, its reliability has also been proven with other currency pairs such as GBPUSD, EURUSD, USDCAD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, as well as commodities like XAUUSD and XAGUSD.

What makes FastScalp stand out from other Expert Advisors?

  1. 80% Accuracy Rate: Experience reliability with a high accuracy rate, providing profits more frequently than you expect.

  2. Stop Loss, Trailing Stop, and Take Profit Features: Forget about margin call worries. FastScalp is equipped with these features to protect your investment.

  3. Affordable Initial Capital: Start trading with just $1000, allowing more traders to benefit from FastScalp and increase their profitability.

  4. Lifetime Ownership: Once you purchase FastScalp along with its supporting e-book, the software becomes yours without any additional costs for life.

Don't miss this golden opportunity! Order now and enjoy free presets optimized for the M1 and M5 timeframes. You will also receive a lifetime guarantee - if there are any issues with the file, we will replace it at no additional cost!

For more information and orders, feel free to contact us via WhatsApp/Telegram at 08159910880.

To get the FastScalp software and eBook, please click the link below or consult via WhatsApp/Telegram at +628159910880.

To get the FastScalp Gold software and Ebook, please click the link below or consult the WhatsApp/Telegram number +628159910880.

To earn profits from FastScalp software without purchasing, please click the link below.

Join other clients and customers by clicking the Telegram channel link:

Join other clients and customers by clicking the WhatsApp channel link:

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2024.10.01 16:14
Removed warning: Too frequent deals may negatively impact copying results
2024.09.20 17:23
Too frequent deals may negatively impact copying results
2024.09.18 14:52
Removed warning: Too frequent deals may negatively impact copying results
2024.09.18 11:20
Too frequent deals may negatively impact copying results
2024.09.13 17:37
Removed warning: Too frequent deals may negatively impact copying results
2024.09.12 10:47
Too frequent deals may negatively impact copying results
2024.09.09 14:51
Removed warning: The number of deals on the account is too small to evaluate trading
2024.08.28 19:43
Removed warning: Low trading activity - not enough trades detected during the last month
2024.08.28 18:41
Removed warning: Low trading activity - not enough trades detected during the last month
2024.08.12 18:10
Removed warning: No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the recent period
2024.08.12 16:47
Removed warning: No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the recent period
2024.08.02 18:37
Share of trading days is too low
2024.08.02 18:37
Share of days for 80% of trades is too low
2024.08.02 17:36
Share of trading days is too low
2024.08.02 17:36
Share of days for 80% of trades is too low
2024.07.31 11:11
Trading operations on the account were performed for only 0 days. This comprises 0% of days out of the 11 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2024.07.31 11:11
80% of trades performed within 0 days. This comprises 0% of days out of the 11 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2024.07.31 11:11
Low trading activity - only 0 trades detected in the last month
2024.07.31 11:11
This is a newly opened account, and the trading results may be of random nature
2024.07.31 11:11
The number of deals on the account is too small to evaluate trading quality
To see trades in realtime, please log in or register
Expert Advisors
Win %
Expected Payoff
30 USD per month