Currencies / USDDKK
USDDKK: US Dollar vs Danish Krone
USDDKK exchange rate has changed by 0.33% for today. During the day, the currency was traded at a low of 7.09146 DKK and at a high of 7.13796 DKK per 1 USD.
Follow US Dollar vs Danish Krone dynamics. Real-time quotes will help you quickly react to market changes. The historical chart shows how the US Dollar price changed in the past. By switching between different timeframes, you can monitor exchange rate trends and dynamics by minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months. Use this information to forecast market changes and to make informed trading decisions.
- M5
- M15
- M30
- H1
- H4
- D1
- W1
- MN
Daily Range
Year Range
- Previous Close
- 7.1009 2
- Open
- 7.1011 2
- Bid
- 7.1245 3
- Ask
- 7.1248 3
- Low
- 7.0914 6
- High
- 7.1379 6
- Volume
- 62.967 K
- Daily Change
- 0.33%
- Month Change
- -2.04%
- 6 Months Change
- 5.63%
- Year Change
- 3.28%
23 February, Sunday