Golden Gendut
- Indicators
- Anthonius Soruh
- Version: 4.30
- Updated: 21 September 2021
- Activations: 5
Gendel Gendut is Binary Option Indicator From @realTatino
Trade with expaired time
- Pairs : All Forex Pair
- Time Frame : M5 only
- Trade Time All Time
- Alert : Alert Message, Alert Email, Alerts Push
- Buffer : 4 Buffer (0,2 (Buy) || 1,3 (Sell)
- Broker Suitable : All Broker Binary With Forex Pair
- Auto Trade : Yes
- Repaint : NO
- Delay : NO
Other Binary Indicator :
This indicator works very well and I think it is the most accurate and wonderful sign tool on the market. However, there is a problem with the alert function, and if you set the alert to true, the pop-up alert will keep ringing and you will not be able to trade. I think it would be the best tool if this could be fixed.
Healing so quickly! !!
perfect! !!
Thank you very much.