AutoTrade 10 percent per month
- Experts
- Konstantyn Lukomskyi
- Version: 1.0
- Activations: 5
A trading system with an average profitability of about 10% per month. The EA showed the best results on the EURUSD pair on the M5
timeframe. For more risky trading, you can move to M1. To open deals, RSI and Larry Williams' Percent Range indicators are used. You can
change the values of the iWPR_high, iWPR_low, irsi_high, irsi_low parameters to filter out losing trades. Keep in mind that if you
strongly screen out transactions, they may not open at all. And vice versa - if weed out poorly, there will be many losing trades.
Money Management is based on building a series of transactions to bring this series to breakeven. You can disable a series of
transactions by setting the value of the UseAdd parameter to false or MaxTrades = 1.
It is necessary to choose a broker with the smallest spread as for any other scalping adviser. The smaller the broker's spread, the
more points you will receive, or reduce risks by reducing the PipStep parameter.
extern bool UseClose = false; // close at a loss PipStep. false recommended
extern bool UseAdd = true; // reopening with a new lot. lot for reopening is considered by LotExponent regardless of MMType recommended = true
extern double LotExponent = 1.5; // multiplication of lots in the series by exponent for breakeven.
extern double slip = 3; // allowable price slippage in pips
extern double Lots = 0.01; // now it is possible and microlots 0.01 at the same time if it costs 0.1 then the next lot in the series will be 0.16
extern double LotsDigits = 2.0; // 2 - microlots 0.01, 1 - mini lots 0.1, 0 - normal lots 1.0
extern double TakeProfit = 18.0; // Profit level in pips from the open price.
extern double PipStep = 30; // the distance in pips of the loss on which the next knee order is opened.
extern int MaxTrades = 3; // maximum number of open trades. Necessary to limit a series of transactions;
extern bool UseTrailingStop = false;
extern bool UseTimeOut = false; // time limit transactions
extern double MaxTradeOpenHours = 48; // time limit, hours
extern int iWPR_high = -30; // the upper value of the Larry Williams' Percent Range indicator, from -100 to 0
extern int iWPR_low = -70; // lower value of the Larry Williams' Percent Range indicator, from -100 to 0
extern int irsi_high = 70; // upper value of the Relative Strength Index indicator, from 0 to 100
extern int irsi_low = 30; // lower value of the Relative Strength Index indicator, from 0 to 100