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GRID Manual v02

Grid robot that maintains every open position opened by the trader.

The buttons on the screen are used for opening the initial trade.

The yellow labels display the price of total breakeven for each grid.

The light blue labels display the level of total take profit for orders of each grid. The take profit is virtual.

With each subsequent opened order the take profit of the grid is adjusted to get the total profit in the sum of the profit of the initial order, regardless of the size of all lots in the grid. This ensures the quickest way out of a possible drawdown.

The robot allows to open multiple grids on the same instrument in different directions, and processes them correctly.


  • First lots on series - the lot of the first order in each grid.
  • Lots exponent - the multiplier to increase the lot of the next order in the grid.
  • Grid distance - the distance between the orders in each grid.
  • Maximum orders on series - the maximum number of orders in each grid.
  • TP first order on series - take profit of the first order in the grid.
  • Trail start function (pips profit) - the profit distance to activate the stop loss tailing function.
  • Trail distance (pips) - the distance from the current price to the stop loss during trailing.
  • MagicNumber: 0...65535 (no greater than 65535).


    The calculation of the initial lot in the series must be performed with the consideration of the deposit size, leaving a substantial margin for increasing the lots. It is recommended to start trading from the minimal allowed lot for the instrument.

    For a stable and reliable profitable operation, it is recommended to use the accounts with small leverage value.

    It is not recommended to overload the deposit with a large number of simultaneously opened grids.

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    Laszlo Tormasi
    5 (15)
    Trade Copier Global: The name speaks for itself. This copier allows you to copy orders between MT4 terminals even if they are not installed on the same computer. Features Copying trades between MT4 terminals around the world with a short delay. Automatically recognizes symbol prefixes. Can connect many Slaves to the same Master. Supports pending and market orders. Supports partial order close (with limitations, see below) Can send messages and notifications to the Slaves from the Master Several
    Draw Agent
    Omar Alkassar
    Draw Agent is designed as beautiful and innovative way to create and manage all your chart analysis, scribbles, notes and more. This tool provides a freehand drawing method, to treat the chart space as a blackboard and draw by-hand. This Freehand Drawing tool lets you draw onto MT4/MT5 charts, in order to mark or highlight events on the chart.  Its helpful tool if you like to  to draft Elliott waves by hand, draw lines on chart, or to illustrate ideas on your chart, and  It is particularly usef
    Layer Master Toolbox
    Peter Andrew Thomas
    5 (5)
    Layer Master: Professional Grid Trading Tool for MT4 Transform your grid trading with Layer Master - the most intuitive and powerful order management toolkit designed specifically for professional traders. MT5   Version:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/129705 Master Grid Trading with Precision Layer Master revolutionizes how you place and manage grid trades. With our visual interface, you can: Deploy hundreds of orders instantly Manage multiple positions effortlessly Control risk with
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    Reanimator was made not like an ExpertAdvisor which make deals for taking Big Profit or something like that. His target is - to try to go back from big looses using the formula for Lot calculation. This formula based on our Drawndawn and Target-Price to get Breakeven. Sometime we have situation where we have big drawdawn and the price should go, for example, up. And we are sure, the price will move 100 points higher. For example: "Oh! The price will reach the Target 100 points, for sure!". In
    Multicurrency RSI indicator that works on any set of timeframes. The set of symbols is chosen from the Market Watch of the terminal. The table is customizable (color, width, font size, line height, column width) Alerts and sending push-notification on a smartphone. Adjustable Parameters: Signal_Bar - choose a bar for analysis (current or closed) 6 switches for timeframe sets Indicator_Period - period of the RSI indicator Level_Signal - the level of the indicator value to generate signal (the op
    This Expert Advisor is based on the famous Morning channel breakout strategy. At the appointed hour, the EA plots a channel using High and Low of the specified number of candles of the selected Timeframe . Filtering is performed by the size of the channel range. The BuyStop and SellStop orders with the initial lot are placed at the channel boundaries. If one of the pending orders triggers, the other one is deleted. The EA marks the Breakeven price on the chart with yellow icons. If the price pas
    Trailing Complex is a Stop Loss trailing system that includes 9 components: Setting SL on the level based on the specified loss percentage of the deposit. Moving SL to breakeven. Standard trailing. PriceChennel based trailing. Fractals based trailing. The ATR indicator based trailing. MA based trailing Parabolic SAR based trailing Trailing based on a user drawn trend line. Any of the components can work alone or in combination with others. System settings allow to work with one symbol and scan a
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