RSI Bullish Bearish Divergence
- Indicators
- Harun Celik
- Version: 1.0
- Activations: 5
This indicator is designed to find the difference in RSI price and indicator. This indicator shows the price and indicator difference on the screen. The user is alerted with the alert sending feature.
- divergenceDepth - Depth of 2nd ref. point search
- RSI_Period - Second calculation period
- indAppliedPrice - Applied price of indicator
- indMAMethod - MA calculation method
- findExtInterval - Price ext. to indicator ext.
- marketAppliedPrice - Applied price of market
- Alert - Alert on divergence?
- Push - Notification on divergence?
- showClassA - Show
- bullsDivAColor - Color of bulls divergence line
- bearsDivAColor - Color of bears divergence line
- showClassB - Show
- bullsDivBColor - Color of bulls divergence line
- bearsDivBColor - Color of bears divergence line
- showClassC - Show
- bullsDivCColor - Color of bulls divergence line
- bearsDivCColor - Color of bears divergence line
- showHidden - Show
- bullsDivHColor - Color of bulls divergence line
- bearsDivHColor - Color of bears divergence line
- indBarsCount - The number of bars to display
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