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WalkForwardOptimizer MT5


WalkForwardOptimizer library allows you to perform rolling and cluster walk-forward optimization of expert advisers (EA) in MetaTrader 5.

To use the library include its header file WalkForwardOptimizer.mqh into your EA source code, add call provided functions as appropriate.

Once the library is embedded into EA, you may start optimization according to the procedure described in the User guide. When it's finished, intermediate results are saved into a CSV file and some special global variables. Also a comprehensible report is generated as HTML page.

Warning! Do not pause optimization process. Clicking Start button (even if it resumes suspended optimization) will rewrite WF results from scratch. MQL5 API does not allow to distinguish new optimization from resumed old one.

This is a library. It requires a user to have some developer skills. If you do not have source codes of your EA (if it's a 3-rd party commercial EA) or do not understand the sources codes (if it's made for you by custom developer), please, contact the author/developer of the EA (source codes) to solve all problems. If he thinks there is a bug in the library, then let the author/developer contact me directly. I need technical details (which are hard to receive from non-developers) to provide proper support.

The text is shortened due to size limit - download full file from Comments.

WalkForwardOptimizer.mqh Header File

#define DAYS_PER_WEEK    7
#define DAYS_PER_MONTH   30

#define SEC_PER_DAY     (60*60*24)
#define SEC_PER_YEAR    (SEC_PER_MONTH*12)

#define CUSTOM_DAYS     -1

enum WFO_TIME_PERIOD {none = 0, year = DAYS_PER_YEAR, halfyear = DAYS_PER_HALF, quarter = DAYS_PER_QUARTER, month = DAYS_PER_MONTH, week = DAYS_PER_WEEK, day = 1, custom = CUSTOM_DAYS};

enum WFO_ESTIMATION_METHOD {wfo_built_in_loose, wfo_built_in_strict, wfo_profit, wfo_sharpe, wfo_pf, wfo_drawdown, wfo_profit_by_drawdown, wfo_profit_trades_by_drawdown, wfo_average, wfo_expression};

#import "WalkForwardOptimizer MT5.ex5" // !after install must be copied into MQL5/Libraries
void wfo_setEstimationMethod(WFO_ESTIMATION_METHOD estimation, string formula);
void wfo_setPFmax(double max);
void wfo_setCloseTradesOnSeparationLine(bool b);
void wfo_OnTesterPass();
int wfo_OnInit(WFO_TIME_PERIOD optimizeOn, WFO_TIME_PERIOD optimizeStep, int optimizeStepOffset, int optimizeCustomW, int optimizeCustomS);
int wfo_OnTick();
double wfo_OnTester();
void wfo_OnTesterInit(string optimizeLog);
void wfo_OnTesterDeinit();

input WFO_TIME_PERIOD wfo_windowSize = year;
input int wfo_customWindowSizeDays = 0;
input WFO_TIME_PERIOD wfo_stepSize = quarter;
input int wfo_customStepSizePercent = 0;
input int wfo_stepOffset = 0;
input string wfo_outputFile = "";
input WFO_ESTIMATION_METHOD wfo_estimation = wfo_built_in_loose;
input string wfo_formula = "";

Example of Usage

#include <WalkForwardOptimizer.mqh>


int OnInit(void)
  // your actual code goes here

  wfo_setEstimationMethod(wfo_estimation, wfo_formula); // wfo_built_in_loose by default
  wfo_setPFmax(100); // DBL_MAX by default
  // wfo_setCloseTradesOnSeparationLine(true); // false by default
  // this is the only required call in OnInit, all parameters come from the header
  int r = wfo_OnInit(wfo_windowSize, wfo_stepSize, wfo_stepOffset, wfo_customWindowSizeDays, wfo_customStepSizePercent);

void OnTesterInit()
  wfo_OnTesterInit(wfo_outputFile); // required

void OnTesterDeinit()
  wfo_OnTesterDeinit(); // required

void OnTesterPass()
  wfo_OnTesterPass(); // required

double OnTester()
  return wfo_OnTester(); // required

void OnTick(void)
  int wfo = wfo_OnTick();
  if(wfo == -1)
    // can do some non-trading stuff, such as gathering bar or ticks statistics
  else if(wfo == +1)
    // can do some non-trading stuff

  // your actual code goes here
Reviews 8
Killerplautze 2024.08.27 20:00 

Truly a powerful tool. A little complicated at first, but the support is very good. This is how it will work in the end.

BlackOpzFX 2023.04.01 04:57 

WOW!! Incredible Tool!! - Such a Time Saver. Pretty Easy To Integrate Also. I have tools that can schedule multiple walk-forwards but the analysis report is worth its weight in gold for determining how often to optimize your EA. Other tools that have walk-forward integrate the 'rolling' option and stats. Why Metatrader didn't is a mystery (will probably update one day). Until its properly added to MT5 this library powerfully fills the gap!

Wells Velasquez Maciel
Wells Velasquez Maciel 2020.11.21 10:36 

Honestly, the best thing I ever bought for MT5! Congrats!

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Racheal Samson
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An   easy to use, fast,  asynchronous   WebSocket library  for MQL5. It supports: ws://   and   wss://  (Secure "TLS" WebSocket) text   and   binary   data It handles: fragmented message  automatically (large data transfer) ping-pong   frames  automatically (keep-alive handshake) Benefits: No DLL required. No OpenSSL installation required. Up to 128 Web Socket Connections from a single program. Various Log Levels for error tracing Can be synchronized to MQL5 Virtual Hosting . Completely native t
WalkForwardOptimizer MT5
Stanislav Korotky
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WalkForwardOptimizer library allows you to perform rolling and cluster walk-forward optimization of expert advisers (EA) in MetaTrader 5. To use the library include its header file WalkForwardOptimizer.mqh into your EA source code, add call provided functions as appropriate. Once the library is embedded into EA, you may start optimization according to the procedure described in the User guide . When it's finished, intermediate results are saved into a CSV file and some special global variables.
Here   is   the   English translation   of   your   description   for   the EA   (Expert   Advisor): --- This   is a   time -based   automatic trading   EA . It allows   you   to   set the   exact   time   for trading , down   to   the   second , and   specify the   maximum number   of   orders . You   can choose   to   place   either   buy   or   sell   orders . It   is possible to   set take   profit and   stop   loss   points . Additionally , you can   specify   how   long after   placing  
This library will allow you to manage trades using any of your EA and its very easy to integrate on any EA which you can do yourself with the script code which is mentioned in description and also demo examples on video which shows the complete process. This product allows trading operations via API For chart : Renting Crypto Charting for OHLC data or Crypto Ticks with Order Book Depth is optional If your EA is HFT and operations on seconds chart, You may be interested in converting charts to se
The library is used to develop automatic trading on Binance Futures Market from MT5 platform. Support Binance Futures USD-M and COIN-M Support Testnet mode Support all order types: Limit, Market, StopLimit, StopMarket, StopLoss and TakeProfit Automatically display the chart on the screen Usage: 1. Open MQL5 demo account 2. Download Header file and EA sample https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=17fWrZFeMZoSvH9-2iv4WDJhcyxG2eW17 Copy BinanceFutures.mqh to folder \MQL5\Include Copy  Bina
If you're a trader looking to use Binance.com and Binance.us exchanges directly from your MetaTrader 5 terminal, you'll want to check out Binance Library MetaTrader 5. This powerful tool allows you to trade all asset classes on both exchanges, including Spot, USD-M   and COIN-M futures, and includes all the necessary functions for trading activity. With Binance Library MetaTrader 5, you can easily add instruments from Binance to the Symbols list of MetaTrader 5, as well as obtain information ab
The library is dedicated to help manage your trades, calculate lot, trailing, partial close and other functions. Lot Calculation Mode 0: Fixed Lot. Mode 1: Martingale Lot (1,3,5,8,13) you can use it in different way calculate when loss=1 ,when profit=0. Mode 2: Multiplier Lot (1,2,4,8,16) you can use it in different way calculate when loss=1 ,when profit=0. Mode 3: Plus Lot (1,2,3,4,5) you can use it in different way calculate when loss=1 ,when profit=0. Mode 4: SL/Risk Lot calculate based on s
MetaCOT 2 CFTC ToolBox MT5
Vasiliy Sokolov
3.67 (3)
MetaCOT 2 CFTC ToolBox is a special library that provides access to CFTC (U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission) reports straight from the MetaTrader terminal. The library includes all indicators that are based on these reports. With this library you do not need to purchase each MetaCOT indicator separately. Instead, you can obtain a single set of all 34 indicators including additional indicators that are not available as separate versions. The library supports all types of reports, and prov
OrderBook History Library
Stanislav Korotky
3 (2)
Order Book, known also as Market Book, market depth, Level 2, - is a dynamically updated table with current volumes of orders to buy and to sell specific financial instument at price levels near Bid and Ask. MetaTrader 5 provides the means for receiving market book from your broker, but in real time only, without access to its history. The library OrderBook History Library reads market book state in the past from archive files, created by OrderBook Recorder . The library can be embedded into you
BitMEX Trading API
Romeu Bertho
5 (1)
Cryptocurrency analysis has never been easier with Crypto Charts for MetaTrader 5. Now, trading on BitMEX has never been easier with BitMEX Trading API for MetaTrader 5. BitMEX Trading API library was built to be as easy to use as possible. Just include the library into your Expert Advisor or Script, call the corresponding methods and start trading! Features Trade on BitMEX and BitMEX Testnet. Build and automate your strategies. Concern more with the trading strategy logic and less with the co
Teclado trader, é uma BIBLIOTECA que você pode chamar no OnChartEvent para abrir posição de compra/venda/zerar, os botões padrões são: V = venda C = compra Z = zerar posições a mercado S = zerar posições opostas e depois a mercado X = zerar posições opostas Além da função de teclado, é possível mostrar os estados do ExpertAdvisor usando o MagicId, com informação de: lucro mensal, semanal, diario, e posição aberta, para isto use o OnTick, ou qualquer outro evento (OnTimer / OnTrade / OnBookEven
Goliath Mt5
Nicolokondwani Biscaldi
Goliath MT5 - scalper fully automated Expert Advisor for medium-volatile forex markets P roperties: The Library trades 10 currency pairs (USDCHF, EURCHF, EURGBP, AUDUSD, USDCAD, GBPUSD, EURUSD, NZDUSD, CADCHF, EURAUD, EURCAD, AUDJPY) The Library does not use martingale The Library sets a fixed stop loss and take profit for all orders The Library only trades a user input volume The Library can be installed on any currency pair and any timeframe Recommendations: Before using on a real account, t
More from author
Stanislav Korotky
4.5 (2)
This non-trading expert utilizes so called custom symbols feature ( available in MQL API as well) to build renko charts based on history of real ticks of selected standard symbol. RenkoFromRealTicks generates custom symbol quotes, thus you may open many charts to apply different EAs and indicators to the renko. It also transmits real ticks to update renko charts in real time. The generated renko chart uses M1 timeframe. It makes no sense to switch the renko chart to a timeframe other than M1. T
Stanislav Korotky
4.5 (2)
This is a non-parametric ZigZag providing 4 different methods of calculation. Upward edge continues on new bars while their `highs` are above highest `low` among previous bars, downward edge continues on next bars while their `lows` are below lowest `high` among previous; Gann swing: upward edge continues while `highs` and `lows` are higher than on the left adjacent bar, downward edge continues while `highs` and `lows` are lower than on the left adjacent bar. Inside bars (with lower `high` and
SuperIndices MT5
Stanislav Korotky
5 (1)
This cluster indicator is MT5 version of SuperIndices for MT4. It allows for processing mixed clusters, where symbols from various markets can be included. For example, it can handle Forex, indices, CFDs, spot at the same time. Number of visible lines increased to 16. An interactive ruler can be enabled to measure signals' strength on the history. The indicator creates a set of embedded cluster indicators (CCFpExtraIndices) with carefully selected periods and combines their results using smart w
Stanislav Korotky
5 (1)
This indicator displays volume delta (of either tick volume or real volume) encoded in a custom symbol, generated by special expert advisers, such as RenkoFromRealTicks . MetaTrader does not allow negative values in the volumes, this is why we need to encode deltas in a special way, and then use CustomVolumeDelta indicator to decode and display the deltas. This indicator is applicable only for custom instruments generated in appropriate way (with signed volumes encoded). It makes no sense to ap
This non-trading expert utilizes so called custom symbols feature ( available in MQL API as well) to build custom charts based on history of real ticks of selected standard symbol. New charts imitate one of well-known graphic structures: Point-And-Figure (PnF) or Kagi. The result is not exactly PnF's X/O columns or rectangular waves of Kagi. Instead it consists of bars, calculated from and denoting stable unidirectional price moves (as multiples of the box size), which is equivalent to XO colum
Stanislav Korotky
4 (1)
This is an adaptive ZigZag based on modification of  HZZ indicator (original source code is available in this article ). Most important changes in this version: two additional indicator buffers added for zigzag evolution monitoring - they show cross signs at points where zigzag direction first changes; zigzag range (H) autodetection on day by day basis; time-dependent adjustment of zigzag range. Parameters: H - zigzag range in points; this parameter is similar to original HZZ, but it can take 0
Stanislav Korotky
This is a demo version of a non-trading expert , which utilizes so called the custom symbols feature ( available in MQL as well ) to build renko charts based on historical quotes of selected standard symbol and to refresh renko in real-time according to new ticks. Also it translates real ticks to the renko charts, which allows other EAs and indicators to trade and analyze renko. Place the EA on a chart of a working instrument. The lesser timeframe of the source chart is, the more precise resulti
Stanislav Korotky
This indicator is a conventional analytical tool for tick volumes changes. It calculates tick volumes for buys and sells separately, and their delta on every bar, and displays volumes by price clusters (cells) within a specified bar (usually the latest one). The algorithm used internally is the same as in the indicator VolumeDeltaMT5 , but results are shown as cumulative volume delta bars (candlesticks). Analogous indicator for MetaTrader 4 exists - CumulativeDeltaBars . This is a limited substi
Stanislav Korotky
This indicator provides a statistical analysis of price changes (in points) versus time delta (in bars). It calculates a matrix of full statistics about price changes during different time periods, and displays either distribution of returns in points for requested bar delta, or distribution of time deltas in bars for requested return. Please, note, that the indicator values are always a number of times corresponding price change vs bar delta occurred in history. Parameters: HistoryDepth - numbe
Stanislav Korotky
This indicator provides the analysis of tick volume deltas. It calculates tick volumes for buys and sells separately, and their delta on every bar, and displays volumes by price clusters (cells) within a specified bar (usually the latest one). This is a limited substitution of market delta analysis based on real volumes, which are not available on Forex. The indicator displays the following data in its sub-window: light-blue histogram - buy (long) volumes; orange histogram - sell (short) volumes
Order Book, known also as Market Book, market depth, Level 2, - is a dynamically updated table with current volumes of orders to buy and to sell specific financial instument at price levels near Bid and Ask. MetaTrader 5 provides the means for receiving market book from your broker in real time. The expert OrderBook Recorder records market book changes and stores them in local files for further usage in indicators and expert adviser, including testing in the tester. The expert stores market book
Stanislav Korotky
4.75 (4)
This indicator compares the price changes during the specified period for the current symbol and other reference symbol. It allows to analyze the similar movements of highly correlated symbols, such as XAUUSD and XAGUSD, and find their occasional convergences and divergences for trading opportunities. The indicator displays the following buffers: light-green thick line - price changes of the current symbol for TimeGap bars; light-blue thin line - price changes of the reference symbol ( LeadSymbo
Order Book, known also as Market Book, market depth, Level 2, - is a dynamically updated table with current volumes of orders to buy and to sell specific financial instument at price levels near Bid and Ask. MetaTrader 5 provides the means for receiving market book from your broker, but in real time only, without access to its history. This expert adviser OrderBook History Playback allows you to playback the market book events on the history using files, created by OrderBook Recorder . The exper
Stanislav Korotky
5 (2)
The indicator calculates running total of linear weighted returns. It transforms rates into integrated and difference-stationary time series with distinctive buy and sell zones. Buy zones are shown in blue, sell zones in red. Parameters: period - number of bars to use for linear weighted calculation; default value - 96; smoothing - period for EMA; default value - 5; mode - an integer value for choosing calculation mode: 0 - long term trading; 1 - medium term trading; 2 - short term trading; defa
This script allows performing a walk-forward analysis of trading experts based on the data collected by the WalkForwardLight MT5 library. The script builds a cluster walk forward report and rolling walk forward reports that refine it, in the form of a single HTML page. This script is optional, as the library automatically generates the report immediate after the optimization in the tester is complete. However, the script is convenient because it allows using the same collected data to rebuild th
WalkForwardDemo MT5
Stanislav Korotky
WalkForwardDemo is an expert adviser (EA) demonstrating how the built-in library WalkForwardOptimizer (WFO) for walk-forward optimization works. It allows you to easily optimize, view and analyze your EA performance and robustness in unknown trading conditions of future. You may find more details about walk-forward optimization in Wikipedia . Once you have performed optimization using WFO, the library generates special global variables (saved in an "archived" file with GVF-extension) and a CSV-f
OrderBook Utilities is a script, which performs several service operations on order book hob-files, created by OrderBook Recorder . The script processes a file for work symbol of the current chart. The file date is selected by means of the input parameter CustomDate (if it's filled in) or by the point where the script is dropped on the chart. Depending from the operation, useful information is written into the log, and optionally new file is created. The operation is selected by the input parame
Order Book, known also as Market Book, market depth, Level 2, - is a dynamically updated table with current volumes of orders to buy and to sell specific financial instument at price levels near Bid and Ask. MetaTrader 5 provides the means for receiving market book from your broker, but in real time only, without access to its history. The indicator OrderBook Cumulative Indicator accumulates market book data online and visualizes them on the chart. In addition, the indicator can show the market
Stanislav Korotky
This non-trading expert utilizes so called custom symbols feature ( available in MQL as well ) to build renko charts based on historical quotes of selected standard symbol and to refresh renko in real-time according to new ticks. Also, it translates real ticks to the renko charts, which allows other EAs and indicators to trade and analyze renko. Place RenkoCharts on a chart of a work instrument. The lesser timeframe of the source chart is, the more precise resulting renko chart is, but the lesse
Stanislav Korotky
This indicator shows price changes for the same days in past years. D1 timeframe is required. This is a predictor indicator that finds D1 bars for the same days in past 8 years and shows their relative price changes on the current chart. Parameters: LookForward - number of days (bars) to show "future" price changes; default is 5; Offset - number of days (bars) to shift back in history; default is 0; ShowAverage - mode switch; true - show mean value for all 8 years and deviation bounds; false - s
Stanislav Korotky
5 (1)
If you like trading by candle patterns and want to reinforce this approach by modern technologies, this script is for you. In fact, it is a part of a toolbox, that includes a neural network engine implementing Self-Organizing Map (SOM) for candle patterns recognition, prediction, and provides you with an option to explore input and resulting data. The toolbox contains: SOMFX1Builder  - this script for training neural networks; it builds a file with generalized data about most characteristic pric
Stanislav Korotky
This indicator predicts rate changes based on the chart display principle. It uses the idea that the price fluctuations consist of "action" and "reaction" phases, and the "reaction" is comparable and similar to the "action", so mirroring can be used to predict it. The indicator has three parameters: predict - the number of bars for prediction (24 by default); depth - the number of past bars that will be used as mirror points; for all depth mirroring points an MA is calculated and drawn on the ch
If you like trading crosses (such as AUDJPY, CADJPY, EURCHF, and similar), you should take into account what happens with major currencies (especially, USD and EUR) against the work pair: for example, while trading AUDJPY, important levels from AUDUSD and USDJPY may have an implicit effect. This indicator allows you to view hidden levels, calculated from the major rates. It finds nearest extremums in major quotes for specified history depth, which most likely form resistence or support levels, a
Stanislav Korotky
The indicator displays most prominent price levels and their changes in history. It dynamically detects regions where price movements form attractors and shows up to 8 of them. The attractors can serve as resistance or support levels and outer bounds for rates. Parameters: WindowSize - number of bars in the sliding window which is used for detection of attractors; default is 100; MaxBar - number of bars to process (for performance optimization); default is 1000; when the indicator is called from
This is an intraday indicator that uses conventional formulae for daily and weekly levels of pivot, resistance and support, but updates them dynamically bar by bar. It answers the question how pivot levels would behave if every bar were considered as the last bar of a day. At every point in time, it takes N latest bars into consideration, where N is either the number of bars in a day (round the clock, i.e. in 24h) or the number of bars in a week - for daily and weekly levels correspondingly. So,
Most of traders use resistance and support levels for trading, and many people draw these levels as lines that go through extremums on a chart. When someone does this manually, he normally does this his own way, and every trader finds different lines as important. How can one be sure that his vision is correct? This indicator helps to solve this problem. It builds a complete set of virtual lines of resistance and support around current price and calculates density function for spatial distributi
The indicator draws a histogram of important levels for several major currencies attached to the current cross rates. It is intended for using on charts of crosses. It displays a histogram calculated from levels of nearest extremums of related major currencies. For example, hidden levels for AUDJPY can be detected by analyzing extremums of AUD and JPY rates against USD, EUR, GBP, and CHF. All instruments built from these currencies must be available on the client. This is an extended version of
Stanislav Korotky
The indicator provides a statistic histogram of estimated price movements for intraday bars. It builds a histogram of average price movements for every intraday bar in history, separately for each day of week. Bars with movements above standard deviation or with higher percentage of buys than sells, or vice versa, can be used as direct trading signals. The indicator looks up current symbol history and sums up returns on every single intraday bar on a specific day of week. For example, if current
Stanislav Korotky
This is an easy to use signal indicator which shows and alerts probability measures for buys and sells in near future. It is based on statistical data gathered on existing history and takes into account all observed price changes versus corresponding bar intervals in the past. The statistical calculations use the same matrix as another related indicator - PointsVsBars. Once the indicator is placed on a chart, it shows 2 labels with current estimation of signal probability and alerts when signal
Stanislav Korotky
CCFpExtra is an extended version of the classic cluster indicator - CCFp. This is the MT4 version of indicator  CCFpExt available for MT5. Despite the fact that MT5 version was published first, it is MT4 version which was initially developed and tested, long before MT4 market was launched. Main Features Arbitrary groups of tickers or currencies are supported: can be Forex, CFDs, futures, spot, indices; Time alignment of bars for different symbols with proper handling of possibly missing bars, in
newin 2024.12.21 19:55 

disadvantages: -if you are not very good at coding in mql5 language, don't bother.. -the seller does not know well how to do optimization so that for any step of optimization you won't be sure if the best WFO step is a fake/extreme-one time bulge or not. advantages - a relatively cheap shot for you to understand the core.

Stanislav Korotky
Reply from developer Stanislav Korotky 2024.12.22 12:18
Yes, this is a library which by definition implies some coding knowledge, so it can't be a reason for downvoting the product. If you have some difficulties with coding, you can buy a 3-d party ready-made EA where the library is already embedded. And how do you know what I know and what I don't? I know the process and answer all technical question, as for your specific EA/strategy/habits - this is completely your competence and resposibility. Do you blame MQ for not giving you a single set of guaranteed parameters after optimization, but showing a complete report? I consider your asessment and explanation baseless.
Killerplautze 2024.08.27 20:00 

Truly a powerful tool. A little complicated at first, but the support is very good. This is how it will work in the end.

ma814232 2023.10.24 09:53 

商品のクオリティは高くデータもわかりやすく表示されます。ただし、どのように実装するかという点に関しまして、画像等が少なく、説明が分かりずらいため、時間がかかりました。その点を除けば満足です。 The quality of the product is high and the data is displayed clearly. However, it took a long time to understand how to implement the application because there were few images, etc., and the explanations were not easy to understand. Except for this point, I am satisfied.

Stanislav Korotky
Reply from developer Stanislav Korotky 2023.10.24 13:16
I did my best to clarify every aspect in my blog and through the comments, but if you have had questions you should contact me directly - I'm ready to provide support.
BlackOpzFX 2023.04.01 04:57 

WOW!! Incredible Tool!! - Such a Time Saver. Pretty Easy To Integrate Also. I have tools that can schedule multiple walk-forwards but the analysis report is worth its weight in gold for determining how often to optimize your EA. Other tools that have walk-forward integrate the 'rolling' option and stats. Why Metatrader didn't is a mystery (will probably update one day). Until its properly added to MT5 this library powerfully fills the gap!

Marcelo Pereira
Marcelo Pereira 2021.02.13 20:33 

It should have a better manual. I had some difficulties installing because the automatic deployment doesn't work. And, to put it to use, you need time. The results must show, or indicate, either the best parameters or the main set of parameters (the optimized parameters). For a while, I let side and continue with my method.

Wells Velasquez Maciel
Wells Velasquez Maciel 2020.11.21 10:36 

Honestly, the best thing I ever bought for MT5! Congrats!

Christopher G Jr Holben
Christopher G Jr Holben 2020.10.24 18:50 

Very valuable tool! Saves you a huge amount of time. It's exactly what MetaTrader is lacking and i couldn't be happier. slight learning curve as with anything else but worth every penny. Stanislav is also very helpful in providing necessary support!

Grigor Yordanov
Grigor Yordanov 2020.09.18 14:57 

User didn't leave any comment to the rating

Winsor Hoang
Winsor Hoang 2017.05.23 21:54 

User didn't leave any comment to the rating

Reply to review
Version 1.16 2024.09.27
Recompilation using MT5 build 4570. Warning: ex5-file is incompatible with pre-4500+ builds.
Version 1.15 2024.01.04
- In the report, relative drawdown estimate normalized by annual profits/losses is now shown for previously decreasing financial results as 100+% instead of 0.
- In the report, probability estimate of the drawdown is calculated by Monte Carlo method.
Version 1.12 2023.10.26
A new bitwise flag for wfo_setAdvancedOptions function is added, which allows for resuming a paused slow/complete optimization or repeating a genetic optimization.
Version 1.11 2020.10.04
Validation of standard meta-parameters (introduced in version 1.10) is made optional for easier intergation into custom EAs using MQL for internal WFO setup.
Version 1.10 2020.09.23
- New experimental mode added: now you can specify forward step size not only in percents, but in days as well. To enable the mode enter negative values for wfo_customStepSizePercent. For example, optimization triplet [start, step, stop] can be [-10, -5, -50] to check forward steps of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 days. Positive values work as before, presenting percents.
- Forward step size can now be equal to window size (in previous versions forward step should have been less than window).
- New function wfo_setAdvancedOptions(const ulong flags).
- Anchored mode restored (was accidentally disabled in 1.8).
- More diagnostic information provided in logs and reports.

Please find updated header file in Comments.
Version 1.9 2020.09.21
Improved diagnosis of potential problems in setup, additional details are shown now in logs and in html-report.
Version 1.8 2020.05.16
Minor bugfixes and improvements.

- The passes with numbers greater than 9007199254740992 will be skipped, as they lead to double overflow.

- Zero divide error for the rare situation with no valid passes is fixed.

- The ending date of forward period is excluded now - the same as in the tester.

- Expression evaluation engine for custom formulae is replaced with completely new one. In addition to previously supported operations, it handles now unary minus and logical negation, as well as ternary conditional statements w?t:f.

- The last parameter of FUNCPTR_WFO_CUSTOM prototype is changed to accept an array of doubles instead of a map: typedef double (*FUNCPTR_WFO_CUSTOM)(const datetime startDate, const datetime splitDate, const double &map[/*enum WFO_STATS_MAP size*/]);

- More changes in the html-report builder.
Version 1.7 2019.08.22
Fixed a bug with datetime increments overflow, which could lead to multiple empty forward passes with zero dates 1970.01.01.
Version 1.6 2017.12.19
Improvement: New function wfo_setCustomPerformanceMeter(FUNCPTR_WFO_CUSTOM funcptr) is added. It allows you to pass a reference to your special custom callback into the library. This callback function will be called by the library to get your custom trade efficiency mark (OnTester analogue). This can be handy if the existing approach with formula assigned via wfo_setEstimationMethod(WFO_ESTIMATION_METHOD estimation, string formula) is not sufficient for you. In the expert code one should implement a function of type FUNCPTR_WFO_CUSTOM (consult with the documentation for details).
Version 1.5 2017.06.12
Bugfix: an overflow in calculation of forward steps for large window sizes (larger than approximately two years).
Version 1.4 2017.06.01
Improvement: if optimization window size or forward step size is constant, cluster report is shown as a single table, which contains all performance indicators line by line.
Version 1.3 2017.05.31
Fixed an error in calculation of the variance.