Unfortunately, "Reverse signal M5 M1" is unavailable
You can check out other products of Teofil Creanga:
The Delphinus indicator
Welcome to my page!
Experience the Delphinus Indicator. It is an oscillator and impulse type indicator. It works on all time frames and all pairs, with rigor differences.
This indicator does not repaint.
I would indicate to be used especially on time frames D1, H4, H1, M30.
I personally use it on the H4 timeframe. Thank you
Good luck in trading!
Indicator Argh dd cumpărare vânzare
Acest indicator este un indicator de histogramă.
Este un indicator care poate da puține rezultate fals pozitive.
Tranzacțiile pe care le declanșează sunt tranzacții lungi timp de zile sau săptămâni.
Regulile de intrare sunt foarte simple:
Afișarea histogramei cu o bară albastră indică deschiderea unei poziții de cumpărare;
️ Bara roșie a histogramei indică deschiderea unei poziții de vânzare.
Nu ar trebui să fim surprinși că, după deschiderea
M5 Trading Signal
Greetings! Welcome to my page!
- The M5 Trading Signal indicator was created specifically for the M5 - M1 time frames.
- The indicator works very well and with reliable results on the M5 timeframe.
- Good results and more frequent signals show on the M1 range.
- On longer time frames, the indicator gives correct signals, but rare and very rare.
- The M5 Trading Signal indicator works on all currency pairs. I would note the GBPJPY pair.
- Indicator does not repain
M1 BRICS Indicator
Welcome back!
- M1 BRICS Indicator is specially created for the M1 timeframe.
- The indicator indicates good and safe but relatively rare signals.
- This can be compensated by trading multiple currency pairs, so there will be plenty of signals.
- M1 BRICS Indicator works on all currency pairs.
- Indicator does not repaint.
- The white arrow represents the signal to buy. - The yellow arrow indicates the signal to sell.
Thank you. Good luck!