Trend Validator
- Indicators
- Nicola Chimenti
- Version: 1.0
Trends are like the "Saint Graal of traders": it can give you an higher win rate, a better risk to reward ration, an easier position management and so on...
But it is really hard to determine the trend with accuracy, avoiding fase signals, and with the right timing, in order to take massive movements.
That's why I created the Trend Validator: a new and EASY tool that will make identifying trend and build new strategy a really easier work.
The indicator is composed by 3 special moving average with a double smoothing that changes colors depending on the trend.
- A short term moving average (20 periods).
- A medium term moving average (200 periods).
- An higher timeframe moving average, setted on a different timeframe (Daily, 1440 minutes).
- As main component part of a strategy.
If you have a convergence on the short term and on the medium term timeframe, it indates a possible signal.
For example, if the color of both indicates a buy signal and also both the moving average are below the price, it can be considered a buy signal: expecially if the higher timefrme moving average shows a convergence, too.
In the contrary case, it could be considered a sell signal. - To make your strategy better.
If you properly identify the trend, you can have a lot of statistical advantages following it: for examle, you could only open trades in the direction of the trend to increment the win rate of your strategy, or choose an higher target if the trend is in your favour.
It works very well expecially if you use it on a trend following market, for example indices, crypto or oil.
So, are you ready to take your trading to the next level?
Let's use the power of the trend, for completely FREE using this indicator!