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Trading utilities for MetaTrader 4 - 14

Everything You Need Before Starting a Trade
Network Connection / Broker / Symbols / Historical Order Benchmarks / Current Order Status
1. Symbol’s Trading Privileges – Ensure the symbol is tradable.
2. Order Execution Mode – Check the broker’s execution type.
3. Trade Session Hours – Verify the trading hours.
4. Min/Max Lot Sizes – Check the allowed lot range.
5. Max Pending Orders – Confirm the maximum number of pending orders allowed.
6. Freeze Point & Pending Order Distance – Minimum distanc

FloatGuard EA Our FloatGuard EA is designed to help you monitor the maximum floating loss (or "drawdown") your account experiences in real-time. It continually tracks how much your account balance has dipped below its peak, showing both the amount in currency units and the percentage. This EA is ideal for traders who want to stay informed about their trading risks and make better decisions by knowing exactly how much of their capital is at risk during trades. OTHER FREE UTILITIES - EAGEEKSOFFI

If you want to test the functionality of this tool, you can do it trough this DEMO version, that is restricted to work only on EURUSD and USDJPY currency pairs. Full version is available here: This EA was originally coded as a back up tool for my personal trades as all of us (Or at least the ones who have left an order open and went to sleep) have experienced the frustration that involves waking up, check the trades and see that in some of them the

Important!!! Auto Trading must be activated! If you need to act quickly and all positions need to be closed or deleted. You drag this tool onto the chart where all open and pending orders are closed and deleted. When it has finished closing and deleting, it counts 20 ticks and the Expert Advisor automatically uninstalls itself from the chart.
Best regards and happy trading

Screen logger with telegram - takes screenshots of all open MetaTrader 4 charts.
Why do you need
Recording incoming quotations from a broker. In case of any corrections, this moment will be fixed. Check the data of the indicator and notice cases of signal redrawing or overwriting Maintaining own accounting for changes in trading indicators on the account Creation of real trading video from the obtained snapshots
Advantages It consumes significantly less resources than any screen recording

This Expert Advisor alerts users when the price crosses the chart lines. Horizontal and trend lines can be processed. Number of lines is not limited. Parameters prefix of signal line – prefix for the names of the objects (lines) processed by the indicator. If left empty, all horizontal and trend lines are processed. price Mode – bid or ask. timeout – crossing alert timeout. number of repeats – number of crossing alert repeats. number of comment lines – self-explanatory.

Basket Recovery System : is useful for trading multiple pair on a single account, single chart.
Functions Of this Ea
with a simple click on a button in any Symbol row, this Utilities will,
Open new Order, Set Lot, Close Order, Reverse Order, Add new Symbol, Delete Symbol, with a simple click on a Navigation Button, this Utilities will,
Select all Symbol Available on Broker, ReSet Symbol Lots, Close all Order, Set Low Risk for all Symbol, Remove all Pair with spread above 2two.

The ' Session Spreads ' indicator was created to show spreads, their instances and averages, over the seven main sessions. This shows the most average & useful spreads occurring the most on the seven main sessions on chart, and via/CSV files. Key Features 7 Sessions automatically adjusted to the broker GMT & DST for logging spreads. Spreads logged per session with overlays equally processed on all applicable. Instances of spreads logged per spread amount that shows the most average. Average spr

Posh Sessions is indicator which displays sessions in broker time or your local time. You can set up to 5 sessions, assign name, start time, end time and color of each session. There is session's range to help you make a chart analysis.
Settings for a session: Show: To show or not the session on chart Title: The title/name of the session Timezone: Select between broker or local time to implement the session's period Start time: The session start time End time: The session end time Colo

This indicator shows both GMT time and your broker's time on the chart.
Simply attach the indicator to a chart, and you will see the GMT time and your broker's time displayed in the top left corner, as shown in the screenshot. By using this indicator, you can always stay informed about your broker's time, which is especially useful during daylight saving changes.
You won't have to worry about whether your broker follows the US or EU schedule, as the indicator automatically adjusts to reflect an

MT4 Alert Sender is a free ea tool that help you send the alert messengers in MT4 program for many different purpose with ease. Very simple and effective, you only need to input the alert content in a input box, then click a "Send Alert" button. The EA will send alert message. An alert pop-up shows your content in a new window pop-up.
You can combine of using MT4 Alert Sender EA with any other tools out there for your need. Thanks for your trust in my product.

The Chart Navigator is a powerful and user-friendly indicator designed to enhance your chart navigation experience in the MetaTrader platform. With its advanced features and intuitive interface, it enables traders to effortlessly explore multiple timeframes, switch between symbols, and efficiently analyze price movements. Key Features: Timeframe Navigation: Seamlessly switch between different timeframes with just a single click. The Chart Navigator provides a graphical object that allows you to

BOSSTESTER (Binary Option Super System Tester) indicator is a simple tester for BOSS binary options trading system. Its objective is constructing a balance line on history data during CALL and PUT transactions performed by BOSS trading system. The tester requires at least 50 bars in history.
Inputs Initial Balance - initial balance. Investment Rate - investment rate. Losses Cover Ratio - loss coverage ratio. Payout - payout in %. Loss - loss in %. Trading Style - trading style: Super_Conservati

The utility is designed to close and delete positions when the specified loss/profit values are reached in the currency/percentage of the Deposit. The chart displays a panel with information: profit/loss on the account, the number of open positions, and total positions in lots. Parameters: SHOW THE DASHBOARD - TRUE - Yes, FALSE - No. CURRENCY PAIRS - TRUE - All, FALSE-Current. STOP PROFIT IN $ OF THE DEPOSIT - Profit value in the Deposit currency. STOP LOSS IN $ OF THE DEPOSIT - Loss value in

This Expert Advisor closes all open positions and pending orders. It is possible to close only buy or sale orders, market or pending orders, positions with profit or loss.
You can to get source code from here .
Parameters CloseAllBuy - close buy positions. CloseAllSell - close sell positions. CloseMarketOrders - close market orders. DeletePendingOrders - delete pending orders. CloseOnlyProfit - close only profitable orders. CloseOnlyLoss - close only loss-making orders. ClearChart - clear the

How is your risk management?
How is your risk management? Check out this utility by :
This utility simply closes all trades associated with the live symbol when your stop-loss or take-profit levels are breached/reached by a group of positions. This utility can be beneficial in several ways when applied to a group of positions: Aggregate Risk Management : By closing all trades associated with a live symbol when a stop-loss level is reached, it helps manage the aggregate risk across

The new version of the game "Snake".
Added setting for the distance of the target (vertical + horizontal), which greatly enlivens the game.
The snake moves in the background, along the grid layout.
Ctrl - pause, W - up, A - left, S - down, D - right.
In the input parameters, you can set the time in milliseconds between movements.
The snake increases by one division upon reaching the goal, and so on, until it occupies the entire field.
The comment displays the size of the field a

Informing the user about the size of the current spread.
A simple and convenient informant. You can place it anywhere on the chart (configurable in the input parameters).
Input parameters:
- text color
- text size
- text style
- binding to the corner of the graph
- horizontal offset from the anchor point
- vertical offset from the anchor point
- enabling (disabling) the "Show as background" function
Have a good trade to everyone!

Automatic Info v2 menampilkan informasi yang mungkin di butuhkan saat melakukan live trading. Automatic Info v2 tidak melakukan transaksi apapun seperti Buy,Sell atau lainnya. hanya menampilkan informasi akun seperti : Nama Pemilik akun
Nomor akun
Free Margin
PFloating Profit
Waktu Server
Profit Hari ini
dan lainnya.

特徴: このツールはDOWやNIKKEIなど500や1000ポイントがラウンドナンバーの 指数を取引する際に表示するように開発しました。 もちろんメジャー通貨でも表示はされます。
更新頻度を制限しているのでチャート表示が遅くなるということは ありません。
XMでDOWを取引される場合、Main Levelsを10000 Sub Levelsを5000にしてください。
各パラメータの説明: Number to display lines:表示するライン数を設定します。 Main Levels:メインレベルをポイントで指定します。 Main Line Color:メインラインの色を設定します。 Main Line Style:メインラインで使用されるラインを設定します。 Show Sub Lines:サブラインを表示するか設定します。 Sub Levels:サブレベルをポイントで指定します。 Sub Line Color:サブラインの色を設定します。 Sub Line Style:サブラインで使用されるラインを設定します。 Update Frequency(600

The Tetris — the most famous time killer is now on MT. Game develops active logic, attention and speed of decision making. This is a classic version of the game, no frills, but you can still adjust the size of the glass, the scale of the game, the color of the figures, and the desired speed. The game is made as an indicator. Control Keys: 'WASD' or 'Cursor' or 'NUMPAD'. S — Start new game. C — Continue previous game. P — pause on / off. Space — drop a figure. Esc— exit to menu.

我很高兴欢迎您来到我的产品页面 面板初次加载会服从后台设置,面板控制交易管理凌驾于后台之上。请注意交易方向的管理,正确的交易方向是交易市场生存的根本,这点很重要。 Ea交易有2种策略Sto,MA和用户在面板打开的执行订单,同时也支持移动端下单(下单基础请服从后台自行设置手数)、移动端预下单功能。 Sto策略单量密度大,是激进策略;MA策略较缓和。
此EA可全自动化交易,设置偏向于辅助手控交易。 ============Basic settings============= Magic EA 交易品种(trading variety) 点差(Spreads) 点差系数(Spread coefficient) =============conditions for execution==== 交易模式(Choosing strategy) 打开新系列订单(Open new series) //是否允许,否的话会停止打开新阶段订单。关闭状态适合运行预交易功能,也就是控制运行,一阶段一结。。 开多(Trade Sell) //处于关闭状态会停止一切开Sell方向单子。 开

Statistics OSD (On Screen Display) Is very Helpful and easy to use. Download Today! ENJOY! :) On Screen Display -Currency -Current Price -Initial Deposit -Equity -Profit -Max Drawdown -Longs(Current) -Shorts(Current)
*Very useful in configuring EA's or Strategies, because you can visually see when its having a lot of shorts or longs. Then you can go back and tweak accordingly.

Binary analyzer is a great opportunity to write your own indicators and trading strategies based on ready-made calculations based on binary code. The analyzer works on all currency pairs with 5 decimal places "0.00001" EUR / USD, GBP / USD ITD Recommended Session M1 Included in the Catalog. Indicator - "Binary reference" and 4 indicators measuring Bullish and Bearish market sentiment // ------------------------------------------------ ------------------- // Indicator "Binary reference" The algo

The script closes all positions for which the profit is more than 5 pips. Checks all open positions for all pairs (you can run it on any chart). The terminal must have the "Algo trading" mode enabled.
It is effective if there are many open positions that need to be closed quickly.
The script does not replace a trailing stop or an advisor. The script checks all open deals and closes those that meet the condition (profit is more than 5 pips) once at the time of launch.
For the subsequent closi

This tool itself does not have any extra functions. It is only used as a copy source for MT4. In the MT5 utility tool, there is already a panel tool that combines manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic functions, which has a copy function. This MT4 tool is provided free of charge to customers who use the MT5 (name: PublicPanel) utility tool. You can check out the specific functions of this software in MT5. It is quite powerful. We are constantly updating its functions based on many suggestio

this is a multi-functional orders all closing script
MT4 version
Feature: 1, it can close all orders of the chart symbol or all symbols. (select mode) 2, it can close all orders of buy, sell or both type. 3, it can close all orders of profit, loss, or any. 4, you can specify magic number, order comment as filters for the order closing operation. 5, it can also do partial closing by percentage to all orders.
it's strongly recommended to set a "hotkey" to this script when you use it. wish you

Dear Friends ,
this EA helps u to automatically tracing (following) your opening trades .. the trades will opened manually .. you can set all parameters such as lot size sl
tp distance from open price to set the break even point (that's to keep your deal in safe from losing any funds in case of the market go on negative way that you expect ) trailng your trade by set the distance of pips u need
if u need any assistance , add me and contact me on my links in profile .
wish all the best f

Floating spreads are harmful for your trading strategy, even with Raw spread account. it makes a lot difference.
Floating spread goes too high when it's news time or daily or weekend rollovers.
this can affect trades's Expert Advisors, Pending orders and Stop losses.
Therefore this tool is created to find right information about spread while rollovers.
How to use :
download/paste the program file to Expert Advisor folder,
Open a chart of any instrument, Lo

A simple and functional Current Price Panel, which shows magnified Bid, Ask and spread price and can be moved by using the mouse, to any location of the chart window. The functionality included are: Customize Current Price Panel Contents shown on Panel Width and Height, Row and Column gap. Background color, background transparency and border color. Font, its size and color. Move the panel to any location of chart window. Option to show current spread as pips or points. Highlight spread in diffe

Close at time is a very useful EA to close specific positions at specific time. It also provides additional condition to setup. Close specific positions at time. Close specific positions which currently profits. Close specific long positions only. Close specific short positions only. Close specific pending orders. It is useful to support your trading strategies.
Parameters description magic : Target magic number to close. close_time_hr: Hour to close. (MetaTrader 4 terminal time) close_time_min

This is a simple risk/reward setter. You enter your TP and SL in the currency amount and it sets it for you, you set your targets in money (not in pips), it helps beginners who are still learning about risk/reward ratios to set their risk/reward based on their capital or amount of money. For example, if you want to risk $3 to make $10, you just fill it in and it sets your order targets accordingly. You can set the TP and SL per chart or all opened charts only. Please make sure your targets are r

The Five Minutes Tester indicator is a simple tester for the Five Minutes trading system and the Five Minutes Expert EA based on binary options. Its objective is constructing a balance line on history data and calculation of statistics during CALL and PUT transactions performed by Five Minutes trading system. The tester requires at least 100 bars in history for the EURUSD instrument on the five-minute interval. But, in order to receive reliable statistical data, it requires the bars to be downlo

The script opens 5 sell orders with 1 stop loss and 5 different take profits. And places 4 limit orders (sell). The following parameters are set by default: Stop loss for all open orders - 120 pips Take profit for 1 order (lot 0.1) - 30 pips take profit for other 4 orders (lot 0.04) - 50, 90, 140, 200 pips.
Stop loss for limit orders is 135-140 pips from the current price (at the time of placing orders). The distance of each limit order is 20 pips. Lot size with micro-martingale - 0.04, 0.05,

The Close script is a simple tool that allows traders to close their trades by three methods. Just run the script and choose the close method.
Closing methods Symbol - Allows closing all open trades for a specific symbol. All_Trades - Allows closing all open trades. Magic_Number - Allows closing all open trades according to their magic number. Recommendation AutoTrading functions must be activated. If the AutoTrading function is disabled, the script will not work. EA should be stopped.

How is your risk management? Realise your full trading potential with this trade manager that ensures maximum trade profit
set stop loss at the maximum you wish to risk for example if it goes wrong it will help you to not loose everything and help you catch the best amount of profit
for trades across many markets all at the same time
Happy Trading

This product displays closed trades from history and current open trades on a chart. The product has many visual settings, as well as filtering settings for displayed transactions, which allows you to analyze the effectiveness of advisors and/or trading strategies. You can filter by comments or by the advisor's magic number. Without using this product, how else will you see your trading and understand its effectiveness?

Introducing "PropFirm Consistency Analyst" — your dynamic companion for achieving consistency in proprietary trading. This innovative Expert Advisor operates seamlessly, continuously calculating consistency metrics between two specified dates, providing real-time insights throughout the trading month.
Tailored specifically for prop traders, this tool serves as a dedicated ally in meeting the stringent consistency requirements set by some proprietary firms. By evaluating trading performance on

An Expert Advisor. A channel breakthrough signal. Attach two horizontal lines to a chart: one for the upper channel line, name it < Up > the other one for the lower border, name it < Dn >
Settings: sound = true - play a sound notification alert = true - show a dialog box containing user data comment = true - show a comment in the upper left corner of the chart print = false - print a message to the Experts log repet = 3 - number of times the sound file is played.

The utility is designed to detect positive swaps. Description If you are Swing Trader and your positions are open a few days to a few weeks, would be very helpful to know which Currency Swaps are positive. Even if you are a Scalping strategy supporter, would be very helpful to know a day of the week to charge 3 days swap rollover. The SwapDetector will help you to decide to hold or close a position to earn some extra income.
SwapDetector performs the draw objects function, please do not use it i

AutoOrderModify Free is a supporting tool for all Manual and System Forex Traders. It works perfectly for situations like: “I have a nice EA but lacks the Trailing and/or Break Even.” “I’m lazy to calculate SL and TP every time I open a position.” “I want to control all of my manual trades with Trailing/Break even” Anyone interested in this tool but want more function, please try the “ AutoOrderModifyEA Pro ”. The freeware version can’t manage positions by Magic Number but manage ALL positions.

Demo is limited to the currency pair CADCHF. Full version: Essentials for manual trading. The utility includes functions such as money management, automatic exits, hedging of positions, setting orders by date, OrderClose menu and others. Simple and clearly arranged, the tool works with one or more orders. Low tick rate compatible.
Features Display money management - right lot size is calculated from stoploss, account balance and risk appetite Schedu

With Symbol Switch you can easily change the symbol of all open charts without losing your analysis or template. Easily monitor many symbols with only one monitor. Auto save\load analysis separately for each symbol (including all graphical analysis and attached indicators). The indicator shows the symbols which are visible in your MT4 "Market Watch" window. To add\remove a symbol just add\remove it from MT4 "Market Watch" window. Monitoring all symbols profit with the panel. Works with all broke

SPEND MORE TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY. ENJOY LIFE… DO NOTHING. This version is only auto set of Takeprofit and StopLoss
Main Version of TropangFX: MT4 Version | MT5 Version Recommended timeframe: H1 Supported currency pairs: GBPUSD, EURUSD, EURCHF , USDCAD, USDCHF , AUDCAD, EURCAD, EURAUD and many more...
The EA requires good brokerage conditions: low spread and slippage during the rollover time. I advise using a really good ECN brok

Currencies Cleaner panel will give you an overview of all the most traded market's currencies in a single click. First of all the panel will refresh all your charts, opening them four times in all timeframes needed.
1 - CURRENCIES It uses a complex algorithm to study the movement of 17 different indicators. It means that the algorithm not only "reads" the actual value of an indicator, but also creates a probability of success using the position of this value on the indicator and the last movem

This Expert Advisor Give Us Notification on MT4 Mobile Aplication if CAndle break throught the kumo aka senkou span A/B You can put your ichimoku cloud setting at your desire How to Setup Notification please read this
This is an Expert Advisor just put on Experts on your MT4

This utility will help you avoid losing money on your trades when your terminal loses connection to the broker or your VPS / computer goes into an update and doesn't open your MetaTrader client automatically after the update. How is this product different from the other disconnect alerts? This one will email you and/or an SMS even when your MetaTrader client gets disconnected from the Internet or doesn't respond! Your client is monitored externally and doesn't rely on its own Internet conn

This is a simple script that places a defined number of lines above and below a given price. The script lets you set the number of lines, the separation in pips and the color. Instructions:
Drop the script on a chart to draw the level lines If the last parameter is set to false, the script will delete the lines previously placed by it.
English? Turn it yes to use English language, false will turn language to Spanish Separation Set the pips distance among lines From Price Ca

This utility identifies certain candle open times on chart, this can help you to see your favorite candle open and use it as it fits in your strategy. This tool is very useful for intraday charting and indicating your sessions. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Disclaimer: Do NOT trade or invest based upon the analysis presented on this channel. Always do your own research and due diligence before investing or trading. I’ll never tell you what

This script is designed to evaluate weights in various window functions. An indicator built on these window functions can be downloaded at Input parameters: iPeriod – indicator period. iPeriod >= 2 iCenter is the index of the reference where the center of the window function will be located. By default, this parameter is 0 - the center of the window coincides with the center of the indicator. With 1 <= iCenter <= iPeriod, the center of the window fun

Please note that this product is designed to help you set an automatic stop loss on each manually opened trade, specifically on the chart to which it is attached. In regards to pending orders, the stop loss will only be placed once the pending order is activated. To set your desired stop loss in points, you can use the InpStopLossPoints parameter.
Please be aware that this product has been tested for currency pairs only, like the GBPUSD. While it may work on other symbols, this has not been t

FREE for limited time! CoPilot EA is an add-on EA to provide additional Order & Risk Management for other EAs. Want more control and Telegram support? Check out CoPilot Pro: Do you have favorite EAs that trade well, and you want additional control over it? Do you run multiple EAs on same account and you need a way to manage Risks and Orders from account level? CoPilot is the best companion for you! Features: Addition Order & Risk Management to other

'BrokerInfo' is an indicator to show some information of account on the chart. You can to see on chart information about: GMT time. Broker time. Maximum simultaneously open orders. Leverage. Maximum lot size. Minimum lot size. Lot step. Stop level in pips. Symbol spread in pips.
You can to get source code from here .
Parameters SizeBackground – background size. PositionUpDn – position to show info on the chart.

This is an expanded version of my Daily Sacrifice EA that closes old losing trades at the expense of a portion of your profits. This helps to slowly work away drawdown and accelerate the closure of martingale grids
*** Pro Features *** Include/Exclude symbols. These fields are empty by default, but if populated allow you to include only specific symbols or alternatively exclude specific symbols Execute on an hourly interval. Allows the EA to be ran every so many hours rather than on a fixed

This free utility is a must to manage your risk.
Very easy to calculate a new position size (number of lots), based on: Your equity
Your risk per trade (% of equity) Your entry price Your stop loss This utility gives the right information to enter the market. A paid version is also available, Ofir Calculator+, to open the trade by a single click. Telegram Setup instruction
Open your Telegram APP and search for "BotFather" Type /start and click/type /newbot to create a new bot Give your bot

Choosing the levels of StopLoss and TakeProfit can have a very strong impact on the overall performance of trading. In addition to the obvious parameters of a trade transaction - the size of a possible win or probable loss - the levels of StopLoss and TakeProfit also affect the expected duration of the transaction, and the profitability of trading in general. If you have already determined the optimal transaction duration using the “ AIS-ODT ” script, then you can begin to determine the paramete

The script is based on the simulation of trade transactions using a random number generator. This allows you to get completely different results, even with the same input parameters. When you run the script, a dialog box opens in which you can set the desired values for external variables. In the Trading options block, the basic parameters that are necessary for trading modeling are defined. Start Balance - sets the initial size of the trade balance. Number Trade - sets the number of trade tr

Are you an intraday trader or do you want to close your open positions at a certain time each day? Problems with the time zone? use our tools and after specifying the time we will close the order for you.
How to use it:
1) Just insert our tools into your chart.
2) Enable auto trading
3) Expert Options enter TIMECLOSE (time to close operations)
If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact us privately.

ClosureMaster Utility closes all orders and offers 7 additional modes. If you have dozens or even hundreds of orders and need to close them all or some of them selectively by comment, magic number, buy only, sell only, if Stop Loss is not set, only profitable or losing trades, then ClosureMaster Utility can take care of this task.
External parameters:
Close all Losing trades Close all Profitable trades Close all orders without Stop Loss Close Buy orders only Close Sell orders only Close by Magic

Utility for know all informations and settings of account where the platform is connected The informations that you can know are for example:
- The difference from server time and time of your PC
- The limit orders that you can place at market
- The credit that you have
- The stopout mode of your broker
- The exact name of company of your broker
and other informations

FIND OUT THE POTENTIAL OUTCOME! This script allows you to find out how much loss (or profit) can potentially be obtained from all open transactions in total.
How does it work? Imagine that you have 10 open trades with different directions and with different take profit and stop loss prices. Are you wondering: "And how much will I earn/lose if the trades reach a stop or take?" This script solves this issue in 1 click. You will immediately know the potential outcome of your trades.

The utility manages other EAs' orders as well as the ones opened manually. It is capable of trailing the price (trailing stop function), set a stop loss and take profit if they have not been set before. When configuring the utility for an EA having no trailing stop function, place it to the new window with the same currency pair specifying the same Magic value (as for the EA orders the stop loss is to be applied to). You can set any timeframe. It does not affect the utility operation. Set Magic

This is a free plug-in for Control-adora Expert adviser. It's main function is to create a Buy Stop arrow on the chart or a Sell Stop arrow when the price crosses above or below a trend line, which will allow Control-adora expert open a new trade when the desired lines will be crossed by the price.
Settings Prefix: Write here the prefix used to identify which trend lines are subject to be watched, value "Trendline" is set by default. Always use On Close Only: When set to true (by default) the c

S imple arrow with alert on chart. This is NOT an entry indicator but a direction indicator. It uses MACD signal line to show you possible future direction of a trend. Please use it with other filters or confirmations to trade properly. Recommended for scalping and short term trades. Made for EURUSD M5 but it should work on every major pair on M5 timeframe. For MT5 version please go here! *If you need a fully automated trading system. Please check this EA here! FEATURES: Very simple directional

This is a free trial version of ScalTradeAssist Pro ( ) You can use all functions of the tool without any restriction except the lot size. (fixed as 0.01)
I hope you'd like it and decide to purchase the professional version :)
Below is the explanation of the ScalTradeAssist Pro.
*If you see that the orders are not being placed, please check your spread setting, this tool watches it and never place orders if the spread is not matching.

FIND OUT THE PERCENTAGE OF THE DEPOSIT! This indicator will allow you to determine the traded lot based on the percentage of your deposit.
Graphic blocks: 1. Percentage of the deposit You enter the desired percentage of the deposit here. (for example, your deposit is $ 10,000, and the percentage is 2%, so you risk $ 20 (the lot will be 0.15))
2. Stop Loss in pips. If you want to open a deal, say for a purchase, then you calculate its approximate Stop Loss, from which the percentage is calculat

Ego Guard is an advanced Expert Advisor designed to safeguard account equity by implementing robust risk management measures. This EA closely monitors account activity and intervenes when necessary to prevent excessive risk exposure. Specifically, Ego Guard automatically disables any other Expert Advisors that attempt to open trades exceeding the predefined risk threshold. By effectively managing trade volume and ensuring adherence to risk management principles, Ego Guard provides traders with p

Please note this is a Free version and will only work on EURUSD pair. If you like this product please buy the full EA (FXA Local Trade Copier Pro). FXA LTC is a trade copier for MT4 terminal. This is a fantastic tool for coping trades from one MT4 terminal to many others running on the same PC/VPS. It is extremely easy to setup with minimal settings you can be coping trades in minutes. FXA LTC also caters for Brokers that use different symbol names. FXA LTC will copy trades in 0.5 seconds or le

Very usefull expert advisor for ichimoku kinko hyo indicator. this expert advisor will notify you whenever there is a cross over/below the clouds or tenken sen /kijun crossing. All Ichimoku traders know the importance and valuable signals when crosses done below or above the clouds or tenkan and kijun crosses. Now you will be alerted quickly to make benefits from the markets This will help you to be alerted for possible trade action. it will simplify your chart observation and be notified wtith

Advisor Information: EG Connection Alert FREE every hour sends simple push notifications about the presence of a terminal connection to the server.
The utility will be useful to you if automated trading is carried out on a remote machine and there is no possibility to constantly check the operation of the terminal. Just install the adviser on any chart with any timeframe. You will receive notifications about the connection every hour. If no notifications are received, the terminal should be chec
Learn how to purchase a trading robot from the MetaTrader Market, the store of application for the MetaTrader platform.
The Payment System supports transactions via PayPal, bank cards and popular payment systems. We strongly recommend that you test the trading robot before buying, for a better customer experience.

You are missing trading opportunities:
- Free trading apps
- Over 8,000 signals for copying
- Economic news for exploring financial markets
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