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All Forex Trading robot/indicator debugging Strategy optimization Statistics and mathematics C++ Strategy modules Custom graphics
141 jobs in the archive in all languages
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50 - 200 USD
I 'm seeking a professional who can develop account metrics utilized by proprietary firms for my website , so I can use them to evaluate my traders . I would like to link the account metrics to both the Ic markets MT 4 and MT 5 accounts
30 - 100 USD
Like the description says . I'm planning to market a product and would like someone that can create a simple website with an option to checkout & pay. Also a graphic designer to create some designs to market
5 Applications
50 - 200 USD
I require a manual GUI to add one or more new positions to an exiting group of positions within an operating expert.When active, the GUI will receive data from the Expert (including position details, type and exiting volume). The user will make a decision on volume and direction and manually execute a new market order
8 Applications
MQL5 Other Custom graphics
30 - 50 USD
I’m looking for advice on marketing and selling my EA on mql5 market. Someone with experience and has been successful with selling EAs. Yeah please do not apply unless you have experience in this
30+ USD
Spécifiez ici votre Cahier des Charges point par point. Essayez de décrire brièvement et clairement vos besoins, afin que votre développeur potentiel puisse évaluer correctement sa complexité et son coût, ainsi que le temps d'exécution requis. Une description mauvaise ou trop générique entraînera l'ignorance de votre commande, ou vous passerez beaucoup de temps à négocier les détails avec chaque demandeur. N'oubliez
300+ USD
Specifikujte zde specifikaci požadavků bod po bodu. Pokuste se stručně a srozumitelně popsat své požadavky, aby váš potenciální vývojář dokázal správně posoudit jejich složitost a cenu a také požadovanou dobu realizace. Špatný nebo příliš obecný popis povede k tomu, že vaše objednávka bude ignorována, nebo strávíte spoustu času vyjednáváním podrobností s každým žadatelem. Pamatujte: Remember: It is better to spend
30 - 40 USD
Looking for someone with experience in TOS scripting , someone who already wrote successfully few algorithms in thinkscript editor, for automated entry bracket with few conditions/ triggers for entry and exit trading positions
60+ USD
hi all , i have an indicator which works on MT5 platform , i want to automate the indicator alerts to direct trades in binomo/quotexbroker. also it must have the following options : i should add and remove users based on their binomo id /quotex id i need an interface which is easily usable there should be two panels : binomo /quotex robot interface admin panel which shows the active ids , add / remove id options
30 - 500 USD
Looking for it to copy all signal formats. Also for me to apply risk management I would like to also buy source code. I need to test it before purchase please and thanks
30 - 50 USD
Real data to meta trading real money online trading forex market sales al data to meta trading real money online trading forex market sales al data to meta trading real money online trading forex market sales
500 - 2000 USD
I need a highly skilled developer to create a copy trading website that mimics the look and functionality of the copy trader on https://ct.topfx.com/copy In addition I need it to be compatible with ALL brokers. I live in America and I use EagleFX so I need it to be fully compatible with them. I also need this to function as a fully competent set and forget system so literally the only thing I need to do is subscribe
100+ USD
Develop an iOS & Android App for signals. Frontend will be the following pages. 1) Current Open Trades 2) Closed Trades 3) Subscription Page. Current open trades page will require login and to be subscribed to be able to see. Backend will be a workspace where I can add current open trades and past closed trades
2 Applications
30 - 1500 USD
1. An ecommerce website with pages such as: Products category, distributors/shippers, mywallet for rewards credit to customers or visitors and customers can equally make deposits to their wallet for easy shopping, back office graphics for customers engaging on MLM business model. In a nutshell, an Amazon like website with ewallet page for customers, delivery guys page, a graphic page for MLM customers to monitor
Prolific Trade (personal job)
30 - 200 USD
Hello Bulykin, Need a website developed that trades on an arbitrage strategy. Possibly a website that will enable me to create accounts and enable trades for other individuals using the Market Making Bots. Looking forward to connecting with you. Thanks & Regards
500 - 3000 USD
I need to manage the risk of many Meta Trader 5 accounts simultaneously. So for that, I need a solution that monitors all accounts without the need to install several MT5, different graphics and EAs. The purpose is that each time the account reaches a daily or total loss limit all positions are closed and any order sent is declined. We need a place to update a spreadsheet with the account number, daily loss and total
30 - 300 USD
Hello, i need a copier that work by API I want something simple... Master account copie the positions opened to the "slaves" account. Need it to recognize the balance of the slaves accounts in order to get the same % of risk. Example: If master have 100$ and open 10$ The slaves account have 200$ will open 20$ Best Regards
30 - 200 USD
need to external program making charts simliar to mt4 We want to design a graph Plots Japanese candlesticks on all time frames As in the MT4 currency trading platform So I enter the prices manually: Ask / Bid/ high / low The date, time, and price grid should also appear on the graph And analysis tools can be used inside the chart And this fee is required to keep the entered data. In other words, it should have the
30+ USD
I need someone to create a demonstration video of my indicator. You need to have experience so please show me some sample work when replying to my post. I will give you a sample of my indicator for recording purposes as well as walk you through how the indicator works and its feature. Really looking for someone to work well with in creating this. Budget is negotiable. Thank you
2 Applications
(8) MQL4 Other Design Custom graphics
30+ USD
like you read all what i want is to export live my EA that i use on my MT5 account so it's means that i want every one that visit my website to see my account live (like a video but without puse button or eney button) on work live and non stop