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All Forex Trading robot/indicator debugging Strategy optimization Statistics and mathematics C++ Strategy modules PHP
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100+ USD
Zde specifikujte vaše specifikaci žádá bod za bodem. Pokuste se stručně a jasně popsat své požadavky, aby váš potenciální vývojář dokázal správně posoudit jeho složitost a náklady, můžete i využít čas provedení. Špatný nebo příliš obecný popis bude mít za následek ignorování objednávek nebo strávíte spoustu času vyjednáváním podrobností s vaší žadatelem. Pamatujte: Pamatujte: Je lepší strávit třicet minut přípravou
30 - 50 USD
We are looking for an API or an Services to integrate between MT5 and Our Trading program for auto hedge with the required. When our platform gets an order we can pass information contract name / Lot / Buy Or Sell information can be provided from our program, once it has received the order in the MT5 should be executed and has to provide the order execution status whether it has been success or failed
350 - 700 USD
I am looking for a Programmer to take-over(help finish a project). The program is written in MQL5 with python to handle alerts. Looking for someone who can code a risk management strategy written in either python and or MQL(if possible) to handle the trading strategy for various EA's. Currently using a few marketplace add-ons in MQL, it would require to automatically turn on/off certain EAs based on the analysis from
70 - 600 USD
I need an EA that execute buy/sell order from php/mysql/text file. I enter order via a php website, saved in mysql, EA executes the trades. Via php website I also want to update SL, TP or close a position. I also need EA to send to php website current price, balance, equity etc. Please let me know your approach
11 Applications
(3) MQL4 Experts Integration PHP MySQL
600+ USD
Looking for a Programmer/Developer to code a Forex/Nadex Signal Table. Take the signals from our indicator in our MT4 and display it to our Wordpress website. You have to be good with MQL4 and APIs architecture. Please apply ASAP! You must be: Able to communicate with me at all time Have advanced programming skills Have a great technology and programing knowledge and research Work fast and efficient in agile
150 - 250 USD
I am searching for a MetaTrader PHP API to implement auto trading to many user accounts that will follow one account (which is running on EA). The aim is to offer a site where users can sign up and receive signals or auto-trading system. The system has to be easy to implement and understandable for users who do not have experience with Metatrader
6 Applications
MQL4 Integration C++ C# PHP
30 - 200 USD
SERIOUS DEVELOPER ONLY !!! Source : https://github.com/vdemydiuk/mtapi Completed Copy Trade software communication with my website Feature Mt4 to Mt5 Mt5 to Mt4 Different broker compatible with MT new build compatible metatrader client or multi terminal Copy from one or several master accounts Copy to one or several slave accounts Copy from one or several master accounts Copy to one or several slave accounts "Copy
30 - 150 USD
Nadex Robot EA / Script Hi Im looking for a linkup between my Mt4 platform, so when I get a Buy signal from my Indicator it sends 2 x Buy orders to the Nadex platform. On reaching The Nadex platform I require it open 2 x Buy At the money orders simultaneously on different symbols. e.g 1 x Forex and 1x Commodity or 2 x Forex or 2 x Commodity (whatever Symbols are on my Pepperstone Platform. These need to be
250 - 300 USD
Looking for a Programmer/Developer to code a Forex/Nadex Signal Table. Take the signals from our indicator in our MT4 and display it to our Wordpress website. You have to be good with MQL4 and APIs architecture. Please apply ASAP
200 - 500 USD
Make Compeleted software integration with my website using metatrader API Using API valid location domain request or send data Register As Master Trader on my website send data to software server using API Master Trader form using investor password Chose Server MT4/MT5 Master trader can setting fees fixed rate or by % or freeauto confirm new follower or no Follow can sett ratio,range lot , server, reserval trade Send
30+ USD
I want to export open orders from mt4 to MySQL table A and close order from mt4 to MySQL table B this EA must protect by login in and password from table C in same Database (so I can use it for multi authorize trader) - EA will send web request to specific php file by specific url. and send details of order by this request (Send method will be post). - Php file will connect to my sql data base (Its Clear that this
3 Applications
(13) MQL5 Integration C++ PHP MySQL
30 - 100 USD
Hi I'm looking for a developer to be able to convert my custom MT4 indicators to NT7. I'm not sure what skill you would be needed and even if it's possible.Happy to discuss the project further. Price is negotiable based on work would require quotes. Thanks
30+ USD
hello i have my own api ea i want to modify some logic in c+ if any help me tell me ur skype i iwll explain u more detail so its already some think done just need some more logic to more proper work
1 Application
MQL4 Experts Integration C++ C# Java PHP MySQL
30 - 2500 USD
Hello, we would like to implement on our website the MT4/MT5 webterminal: https://www.mql5.com/en/trading - this should be easy and fast as we can embed any code on our website, so I think we will be able to do this for ourselves. but we would need to motivate our visitors, to trade via the webterminal on our website - if you would have any idea how to achieve it, we will be very happy to discuss it. we were thinking
200 - 250 USD
Zde specifikujte své požadavky Specifikace. Snažte se stručně a jasně popsat své požadavky tak, aby váš potenciální vývojář mohl správně posoudit svou složitost a náklady, a to i v době provedení. Špatný nebo příliš obecný popis bude mít za následek zanedbání objednávky, nebo stráví čas vyjednáváním podrobností s každým žadatelem. Pamatujte si:Pamatujte si: Pamatujte si: Pamatujte si: Je lepší strávit minutu, je to
2 Applications
MQL5 Integration PHP
100+ USD
Hi, I would like to order the script/program for the Metatrader 4 that would allow me to transfer the trades signals from the MetaTrader 4 to the eToro trader panel The bridge should open and close trades performed by the EA at MetaTrader 4 platform in the eToro trader account For example, when the EA in the MetaTrader 4 is opening buy 0.01 at EURUSD, the signal is transferred to the eToro trader account, then when
50+ USD
Hello I require integration of Binance symbols within metatrader. This includes the ability to view chart window, in addition to market depth. Whilst I don't currently require the ability to trader via MT, I may consider it in the future. Ideally this job would be achieved via the Binance websocket although I'm open to suggestions on utilizing their standard API, provided data was updated each sec (not sure about API
1000+ USD
Hello, I have a website and I want to promote my PAMM/MAM services on it. These are the features I need to be developed. Frontend functions (Members area) 1-User can view his balance and the live/closed trades opened on his mt4 account when logged ON our website. Data will be pulled from fxblue.com publication . ( Or any other solution to pull the data from) 2-Automated invoicing. Users can pay their monthly
30+ USD
Chỉ định Đặc tả Yêu cầu của bạn tại đây theo điểm. Hãy cố gắng mô tả các yêu cầu của bạn một thời gian ngắn và rõ ràng để nhà phát triển tiềm năng của bạn có thể đánh giá chính xác tính phức tạp và chi phí của nó cũng như thời gian thực hiện được yêu cầu. Mô tả xấu hoặc quá chung chung sẽ dẫn đến việc đơn đặt hàng của bạn bị bỏ qua hoặc bạn sẽ dành rất nhiều thời gian để thương lượng chi tiết với từng người nộp đơn
30 - 100 USD
Im developing muy own trading journal. I want to that everytime I make a trade in MT that movement be register in the customer account of my journal plataform. Spanish speakers welcome
5 Applications