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All Forex Trading robot/indicator debugging Strategy optimization Statistics and mathematics C++ Strategy modules Custom graphics
79 jobs in the archive in all languages
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1000+ USD
Hello, I have a website and I want to promote my PAMM/MAM services on it. These are the features I need to be developed. Frontend functions (Members area) 1-User can view his balance and the live/closed trades opened on his mt4 account when logged ON our website. Data will be pulled from fxblue.com publication . ( Or any other solution to pull the data from) 2-Automated invoicing. Users can pay their monthly
30+ USD
Chỉ định Đặc tả Yêu cầu của bạn tại đây theo điểm. Hãy cố gắng mô tả các yêu cầu của bạn một thời gian ngắn và rõ ràng để nhà phát triển tiềm năng của bạn có thể đánh giá chính xác tính phức tạp và chi phí của nó cũng như thời gian thực hiện được yêu cầu. Mô tả xấu hoặc quá chung chung sẽ dẫn đến việc đơn đặt hàng của bạn bị bỏ qua hoặc bạn sẽ dành rất nhiều thời gian để thương lượng chi tiết với từng người nộp đơn
30 - 100 USD
Tentukan Spesifikasi Persyaratan Anda di sini poin demi poin. Cobalah untuk mendeskripsikan kebutuhan Anda secara singkat dan jelas, sehingga pengembang potensial Anda dapat menilai dengan benar kompleksitas dan biayanya, serta waktu pelaksanaan yang diperlukan. Deskripsi yang buruk atau terlalu umum akan mengakibatkan pesanan Anda diabaikan, atau Anda akan menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk merundingkan perincian
30+ USD
حدد مواصفات متطلباتك هنا نقطة تلو الأخرى. حاول وصف متطلباتك باختصار وبوضوح ، حتى يتمكن مطور البرامج المحتمل من تقييم مدى تعقيده وتكلفته بشكل صحيح ، بالإضافة إلى وقت التنفيذ المطلوب. سيؤدي الوصف السيئ أو العام جدًا إلى تجاهل طلبك ، وإلا ستقضي وقتًا طويلاً في التفاوض على التفاصيل مع كل مقدم طلب. تذكر: منRemember: It is better to spend thirty minutes to prepare a good text than to lose hours and days to resolve
40 - 10000 USD
We are looking to work with a highly experienced and proven development team with a deep understanding of the MT5 product and supporting API's. This project includes integrations, UI customization (web and mobile), auto deployment (white label) and other functions. We're a well organized and experienced technology company but MT is new for us, hence wanting to work with the best to insure speed to market and
50 - 300 USD
Hello i am an stock market and forex market trader and I’m looking to improve my trading with an indicator that shows me the right point when a stock goes into volatility and speed, i have some parameters and graphic of how I want it looks like
10 Applications
50 - 100 USD
I want an EA that can place Binary Option order to IQ Option platform directly from MT5 or MT4 platform. And along with the EA I want the source code. I just want two buttons(Call, Put), price and expiry text boxes on the MT5/MT4 platform, and executing the trade directly from MT5/MT4 platform by clicking on the buttons. More details will be provided if needed once developer has been chosen. With regards, Prosanto
3 Applications
150 - 300 USD
We have an Affiliate System with our Wordpress Site and need now to Display a Chart for our Affiliates which represents a History Data from a .html File (the output from Metatarder 4). This Data is updated every Day and we need a selection for the Clients where they can see the daily, weekly, monthly and over all Data. If this job is done nicely, we also have future programming work for you . Regards Mario attached
30 - 200 USD
Looking for dedicated and knowledge of the languages mentioned below. 1. MQL (MetaTrader) 2. ( MySql ) For MySQL programmer needs to know how to handle "stored procedures" 3. PHP, Codeigniter, HTML (Botstrap) I have an ongoing project which has to be completed on urgent basis. So the developer should respect the time as well as deliver without bugs
30+ USD
I want to find a Developer to perform this work and settle payments in this Application. I undertake not to communicate with Applicants anywhere else except this Application, including third-party messengers, personal correspondence or emails. I understand that violators will be banned from publishing Orders in the Freelance service
0 Applications
MQL5 Integration Custom graphics