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All Forex Trading robot/indicator debugging Strategy optimization Statistics and mathematics C++ Strategy modules Uploading data to a website
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50 - 100 USD
Hi i'm looking to take the tdi indicator i have for mt4 and get it programmed with the alerts for tradingview. Tradingview allows alerts sent to their app which is the primary reason for having this done. the second part of this would be to figure out how to have this loaded on, say as many charts as needed like tradingview allows
100+ USD
Hello I am here ordering the robots to show me how to generate and calculate and accumulate income in these trades as a starter.provided I joined the business of trades
100+ USD
Good day I am here by requesting a robot that we help me on my trader, I don't know much about the app but am hoping to learn more. Your help will be highly appreciated ,thanks
50+ USD
Spécifiez votre spécification des exigences ici point par point. Essayez de décrire brièvement et clairement vos besoins afin que votre développeur potentiel puisse évaluer correctement sa complexité et son coût, ainsi que le temps d'exécution requis. Une description incorrecte ou trop générique aura pour effet d'ignorer votre commande ou de passer beaucoup de temps à négocier les détails avec chaque demandeur
600+ USD
Looking for a Programmer/Developer to code a Forex/Nadex Signal Table. Take the signals from our indicator in our MT4 and display it to our Wordpress website. You have to be good with MQL4 and APIs architecture. Please apply ASAP! You must be: Able to communicate with me at all time Have advanced programming skills Have a great technology and programing knowledge and research Work fast and efficient in agile
30+ USD
Ii need robot for trading in MT4 which can do auto trading with adjustable stop lost profit and adjustable lot for trading XAUSD, EURUSD, USDJPY, AUDJPY, CHFJPY, GBPAUD, EURAUD, EURCAD
100 - 200 USD
The point of this bot will be for it to eventually in the next 2 years be able to make a income like a normal person 7-15 dollars an hour. It should be able to start off with 100 USD and see a positive curve over say a month with minimal losses and only invest in times of potentially positive growth. Needs to take into account the average income every week of me, as well as including expenses, have a spider grid to
250 - 300 USD
Looking for a Programmer/Developer to code a Forex/Nadex Signal Table. Take the signals from our indicator in our MT4 and display it to our Wordpress website. You have to be good with MQL4 and APIs architecture. Please apply ASAP
50 - 100 USD
Good Day I found the Gap EA on MQL5. I want to use it as the base for my profitable manual Gap strategy. I have attached the EA and below are the specs for the EA. I will require the source code and the EA must run in the MT4 strategy tester. Gap Trade EA Spec EA to trade the Sunday Gap on market opening. Require EA to trade both binary and Forex/Spread betting. EA must be fast. EA must work on MT4 and MT5
30+ USD
حدد مواصفات الخاصة بك هنا تجربة وصفك لفترة وجيزة. سيؤدي الوصف السيئ أو العام لتجاهل الطلب ، أو ستقضي تذكر: منتذكر: من تذكر: تذكر: من الأفضل أن تنفق ثلاثين دقيقة من نقاص ساعات وأيام لحل سوء الفهم بعد إبرام الاتفاق أو عند قبول نتائج تنفيذ الأوامر. من الأفضل أن تنفق ثلاثين دقيقة لإعداد نص جيد من لانقاص ساعات وأيام لحل سوء الفهم بعد إبرام الاتفاق أو عند قبول نتائج تنفيذ الأوامر. من الأفضل أن تقضي ثلاثين دقيقة لإعداد نص
1 Application
50 - 300 USD
Hello potential buyer! I will deign a eye catching product design and graphics design that will make your business move forward and we help our customers to make more sales with the sale strategy we make for them. Amosdboy1
750+ USD
حدد مواصفات الخاصة بك هنا تجربة وصفك لفترة وجيزة. سيؤدي الوصف السيئ أو العام جدًا إلى تجاهل طلبك ، أو ستقضي وقتًا طويلاً في التفاوض على التفاصيل مع كل مقدم طلب.سيؤدي الوصف السيئ أو العام جدًا إلى تجاهل طلبك ، أو ستقضي وقتًا طويلاً في التفاوض على التفاصيل مع كل مقدم طلب. تذكر: من تذكر: من الأفضل أن تنفق ثلاثين دقيقة لإعداد نص جيد من لانقاص ساعات وأيام لحل سوء الفهم بعد إبرام الاتفاق أو عند قبول نتائج تنفيذ الأوامر. من
1 Application
30 - 200 USD
Statistics and mathematics Panels and dialog boxes Custom graphics Futures OpenCL ALGLIB C++ C# Java JavaScript PHP SQL MySQL PostgreSQL R Python HTML Linux RegExp Photoshop Trading robot/indicator debugging Strategy optimization Strategy modules Collection of data on the internet Uploading data to a website Forex Stocks Options Data mining Product Design Text translation Text writing
30+ USD
Tentukan Spesifikasi Kebutuhan Anda di sini poin demi poin. Coba buat mendeskripsikan persyaratan kamu secara singkat dan jelas, buat pengembang potensial Kamu bisa setuju dengan benar dan biayanya, begitu juga waktu eksekusi yang diperlukan. Deskripsi yang buruk atau terlalu umum akan mengakibatkan pesanan Anda diabaikan, atau Anda akan menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk merundingkan detail dengan setiap
30+ USD
Tentukan Spesifikasi Kebutuhan Anda di sini poin demi poin. Cobalah untuk mendeskripsikan persyaratan Anda secara singkat dan jelas, sehingga pengembang potensial Anda dapat menilai dengan benar kompleksitas dan biayanya, serta waktu eksekusi yang diperlukan. Deskripsi yang buruk atau terlalu umum akan mengakibatkan pesanan Anda diabaikan, atau Anda akan menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk merundingkan detail dengan
30+ USD
Tentukan Spesifikasi Kebutuhan Anda di sini poin demi poin. Cobalah untuk mendeskripsikan persyaratan Anda secara singkat dan jelas, sehingga pengembang potensial Anda dapat menilai dengan benar kompleksitas dan biayanya, serta waktu eksekusi yang diperlukan. Deskripsi yang buruk atau terlalu umum akan mengakibatkan pesanan Anda diabaikan, atau Anda akan menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk merundingkan detail dengan
30+ USD
Statistics and mathematicsPanels and dialog boxesCustom graphics Futures OpenCLALGLIB C++ C# JavaJavaScript PHP SQL MySQLPostgreSQL R Python HTMLLinux RegExp PhotoshopTrading robot/indicator debuggingStrategy optimizationStrategy modulesCollection of data on the internetUploading data to a website ForexStocks Options Data miningProduct Design Text translationText writing
50 - 75 USD
I have an indicator that has several problems and needs email alerts. Problem 1 - Indicator doesn't give an alert when an arrow appears even if alerts are enabled. Problem 2- When you refresh arrows appear or disappear. Arrows stay if you don't refresh screen which is great. The refreshing or reloading of the chart makes arrows appear that weren't there before and leave the best arrow visible. I need the arrows to
50 - 300 USD
Hi, I need an automated software made. Where i can go and select any currency pair on a chart ideally trading view, and the harmonic patterns will be ready created, all i will need to do is place a trade myself
30 - 50 USD
حدد مواصفات متطلباتك هنا نقطة تلو الأخرى. حاول وصف متطلباتك باختصار وبوضوح ، حتى يتمكن مطور البرامج المحتمل من تقييم مدى تعقيده وتكلفته بشكل صحيح ، بالإضافة إلى وقت التنفيذ المطلوب. سيؤدي الوصف السيئ أو العام جدًا إلى تجاهل طلبك ، وإلا ستقضي وقتًا طويلاً في التفاوض على التفاصيل مع كل مقدم طلب. تذكر: منRemember: It is better to spend thirty minutes to prepare a good text than to lose hours and days to resolve