Edit EA to deal with Slippage and Take Profit bugs

MQL4 Experts

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Execution time 1 day



I need someone to edit my EA and make it 100% work. It is a Martingale EA and it is 95% working but it has 2 bugs.

1.Whenever there is slippage , the EA does not trigger a trade , I need it to trigger a trade at the next available price OR send the order again if missed

2.Intermitently the 0.01 trades are triggered without a TP  I need  this edited to see if there has been more than 10 seconds passed from the time of Trade entry and if there is no TP on a trade then add a TP to that trade OR delete the trade  –This only applies to the 0.01 trades--

I need someone to edit and fix these 2 issues please. 

They also need to be VERY PATIENT because I need to test the EA for at least 40 HRS before we conclude the job. I  have attached the EA


The Logic on the EA should be as follows;

I understand the slippage and bid and ask price so it’s OK, I will just give an example ignoring slippage , bid and ask prices.

Let me use 0.01 as the starting lot and use an example when the price is going up ....This example only shows when the price is going up so the same is true if the price is going down as well , we just do the opposite



---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as We switch on the EA this happens-------------------------------------------------
1.We buy and sell at the same time.
Buy     0.7280 == 0.01 >> TP 0.7288
Sell     0.7280 == 0.01 >> TP 0.7272

When it moves up 8 pips close the Buy Trade at the same time open another buy trade with an 8 pip target and another sell trade with a 10 pip target.
The Sell trade will be opened @ 0.02 and the original sell will adjust its TP to align with the TP of the newly opened trade.
The Trades at that time will be as follows


Buy     0.7288  ==0.01 >> TP  0.7296
Sell     0.7280 == 0.01 >> TP  0.7278
Sell     0.7288  ==0.02 >> TP  0.7278 ---> The new Sell  has a TP of 10 Pips

When it moves up 8 pips close the Buy Trade at the same time open another buy trade with an 8 pip target and another sell trade with a 12 pip target.
The Sell trade will be opened @ 0.03 and the previous sells will adjust its TP to align with the TP of the newly opened trade.
The Trades at that time will be as follows

Buy     0.7296  ==0.01 >> TP  0.7304
Sell     0.7280 == 0.01 >> TP  0.7278
Sell     0.7288  ==0.02 >> TP  0.7278
Sell     0.7296  ==0.03 >> TP  0.7278 ---> The new Sell  has a TP of 12 Pips

When it moves up 8 pips close the Buy Trade at the same time open another buy trade with an 8 pip target and another sell trade with a 16 pip target.
The Sell trade will be opened @ 0.05 and the previous sells will adjust its TP to align with the TP of the newly opened trade.
The Trades at that time will be as follows

Buy     0.7304  ==0.01 >> TP  0.7312
Sell     0.7280 == 0.01 >> TP  0.7288
Sell     0.7288  ==0.02 >> TP  0.7288
Sell     0.7296  ==0.03 >> TP  0.7288
Sell     0.7304  ==0.05 >> TP  0.7288 ---> The new Sell has a TP of 16 Pips
When it moves up 8 pips close the Buy Trade at the same time open another buy trade with an 8 pip target and another sell trade with a 20 pip target.
The Sell trade will be opened @ 0.08 and the previous sells will adjust its TP to align with the TP of the newly opened trade.
The Trades at that time will be as follows

Buy     0.7312  ==0.01 >> TP  0.7320
Sell     0.7280 == 0.01 >> TP  0.7292
Sell     0.7288  ==0.02 >> TP  0.7292
Sell     0.7296  ==0.03 >> TP  0.7292
Sell     0.7304  ==0.05 >> TP  0.7292 
Sell     0.7312  ==0.08 >> TP  0.7292 ---> The new Sell has a TP of 20 Pips

When it moves up 8 pips close the Buy Trade at the same time open another buy trade with an 8 pip target and another sell trade with a 24 pip target.
The Sell trade will be opened @ 0.13 and the previous sells will adjust its TP to align with the TP of the newly opened trade.
The Trades at that time will be as follows

Buy     0.7320  ==0.01 >> TP  0.7328
Sell     0.7280 == 0.01 >> TP  0.7296
Sell     0.7288  ==0.02 >> TP  0.7296
Sell     0.7296  ==0.03 >> TP  0.7296
Sell     0.7304  ==0.05 >> TP  0.7296
Sell     0.7312  ==0.08 >> TP  0.7296
Sell     0.7320  ==0.13 >> TP  0.7296 ---> The new Sell has a TP of 24 Pips
---------From this stage onwards the TP does not change , please check carefully what happens now------
When it moves up 8 pips close the Buy Trade at the same time open another buy trade with an 8 pip target and another sell trade WITH A 24 PIP TARGET.
The Sell trade will be opened @ 0.21 and the previous sells will adjust its TP to align with the TP of the newly opened trade.
The Trades at that time will be as follows

Buy     0.7328  ==0.01 >> TP  0.7334
Sell     0.7280 == 0.01 >> TP  0.7304
Sell     0.7288  ==0.02 >> TP  0.7304
Sell     0.7296  ==0.03 >> TP  0.7304
Sell     0.7304  ==0.05 >> TP  0.7304
Sell     0.7312  ==0.08 >> TP  0.7304
Sell     0.7320  ==0.13 >> TP  0.7304
Sell     0.7328  ==0.21 >> TP  0.7304 ---> The new Sell has a TP of 24 Pips

When it moves up 8 pips close the Buy Trade at the same time open another buy trade with an 8 pip target and another sell trade WITH A 24 PIP TARGET.
The Sell trade will be opened @ 0.34 and the previous sells will adjust its TP to align with the TP of the newly opened trade.
The Trades at that time will be as follows

Buy     0.7334  ==0.01 >> TP  0.7342
Sell     0.7280 == 0.01 >> TP  0.7310
Sell     0.7288  ==0.02 >> TP  0.7310 
Sell     0.7296  ==0.03 >> TP  0.7310
Sell     0.7304  ==0.05 >> TP  0.7310 
Sell     0.7312  ==0.08 >> TP  0.7310
Sell     0.7320  ==0.13 >> TP  0.7310
Sell     0.7328  ==0.21 >> TP  0.7310
Sell     0.7334  ==0.34 >> TP  0.7310 ---> The new Sell has a TP of 24 Pips

When it moves up 8 pips close the Buy Trade at the same time open another buy trade with an 8 pip target and another sell trade WITH A 24 PIP TARGET.
The Sell trade will be opened @ 0.55 and the previous sells will adjust its TP to align with the TP of the newly opened trade.
The Trades at that time will be as follows

Buy     0.7342  ==0.01 >> TP  0.7350
Sell     0.7280 == 0.01 >> TP  0.7318
Sell     0.7288  ==0.02 >> TP  0.7318  
Sell     0.7296  ==0.03 >> TP  0.7318 
Sell     0.7304  ==0.05 >> TP  0.7318 
Sell     0.7312  ==0.08 >> TP  0.7318
Sell     0.7320  ==0.13 >> TP  0.7318 
Sell     0.7328  ==0.21 >> TP  0.7318 
Sell     0.7334  ==0.34 >> TP  0.7318 
Sell     0.7342  ==0.55 >> TP  0.7318 ---> The new Sell has a TP of 24 Pips

When it moves up 8 pips close the Buy Trade at the same time open another buy trade with an 8 pip target and another sell trade WITH A 24 PIP TARGET.
The Sell trade will be opened @ 0.89 and the previous sells will adjust its TP to align with the TP of the newly opened trade.
The Trades at that time will be as follows

Buy     0.7350  ==0.01 >> TP  0.7358
Sell     0.7280 == 0.01 >> TP  0.7326
Sell     0.7288  ==0.02 >> TP  0.7326 
Sell     0.7296  ==0.03 >> TP  0.7326 
Sell     0.7304  ==0.05 >> TP  0.7326 
Sell     0.7312  ==0.08 >> TP  0.7326
Sell     0.7320  ==0.13 >> TP  0.7326 
Sell     0.7328  ==0.21 >> TP  0.7326 
Sell     0.7334  ==0.34 >> TP  0.7326 
Sell     0.7342  ==0.55 >> TP  0.7326
Sell     0.7350  ==0.89 >> TP  0.7326 ---> The new Sell has a TP of 24 Pips

When it moves up 8 pips close the Buy Trade at the same time open another buy trade with an 8 pip target and another sell trade WITH A 24 PIP TARGET.
The Sell trade will be opened @ 1.44 and the previous sells will adjust its TP to align with the TP of the newly opened trade.
The Trades at that time will be as follows

Buy     0.7358  ==0.01 >> TP  0.7366
Sell     0.7280 == 0.01 >> TP  0.7334
Sell     0.7288  ==0.02 >> TP  0.7334 
Sell     0.7296  ==0.03 >> TP  0.7334 
Sell     0.7304  ==0.05 >> TP  0.7334 
Sell     0.7312  ==0.08 >> TP  0.7334
Sell     0.7320  ==0.13 >> TP  0.7334 
Sell     0.7328  ==0.21 >> TP  0.7334 
Sell     0.7334  ==0.34 >> TP  0.7334 
Sell     0.7342  ==0.55 >> TP  0.7334
Sell     0.7350  ==0.89 >> TP  0.7334
Sell     0.7358  ==1.44 >> TP  0.7334 ---> The new Sell has a TP of 24 Pips

When it moves up 8 pips close the Buy Trade at the same time open another buy trade with an 8 pip target and another sell trade WITH A 24 PIP TARGET.
The Sell trade will be opened @ 2.33 and the previous sells will adjust its TP to align with the TP of the newly opened trade.
The Trades at that time will be as follows

Buy     0.7366  ==0.01 >> TP  0.7374
Sell     0.7280 == 0.01 >> TP  0.7342
Sell     0.7288  ==0.02 >> TP  0.7342
Sell     0.7296  ==0.03 >> TP  0.7342
Sell     0.7304  ==0.05 >> TP  0.7342
Sell     0.7312  ==0.08 >> TP  0.7342
Sell     0.7320  ==0.13 >> TP  0.7342 
Sell     0.7328  ==0.21 >> TP  0.7342 
Sell     0.7334  ==0.34 >> TP  0.7342
Sell     0.7342  ==0.55 >> TP  0.7342
Sell     0.7350  ==0.89 >> TP  0.7342
Sell     0.7358  ==1.44 >> TP  0.7342
Sell     0.7366  ==2.33 >> TP  0.7342 ---> The new Sell has a TP of 24 Pips

When it moves up 8 pips close the Buy Trade at the same time open another buy trade with an 8 pip target and another sell trade WITH A 24 PIP TARGET.
The Sell trade will be opened @ 3.77 and the previous sells will adjust its TP to align with the TP of the newly opened trade.
The Trades at that time will be as follows

Buy     0.7374  ==0.01 >> TP  0.7382
Sell     0.7280 == 0.01 >> TP  0.7350
Sell     0.7288  ==0.02 >> TP  0.7350
Sell     0.7296  ==0.03 >> TP  0.7350
Sell     0.7304  ==0.05 >> TP  0.7350
Sell     0.7312  ==0.08 >> TP  0.7350
Sell     0.7320  ==0.13 >> TP  0.7350
Sell     0.7328  ==0.21 >> TP  0.7350
Sell     0.7334  ==0.34 >> TP  0.7350
Sell     0.7342  ==0.55 >> TP  0.7350
Sell     0.7350  ==0.89 >> TP  0.7350
Sell     0.7358  ==1.44 >> TP  0.7350
Sell     0.7366  ==2.33 >> TP  0.7350
Sell     0.7374  ==3.77 >> TP  0.7350 ---> The new Sell has a TP of 24 Pips

When it moves up 8 pips close the Buy Trade at the same time open another buy trade with an 8 pip target and another sell trade WITH A 24 PIP TARGET.
The Sell trade will be opened @ 6.10 and the previous sells will adjust its TP to align with the TP of the newly opened trade.
The Trades at that time will be as follows

Buy     0.7382  ==0.01 >> TP  0.7390
Sell     0.7280 == 0.01 >> TP  0.7358
Sell     0.7288  ==0.02 >> TP  0.7358
Sell     0.7296  ==0.03 >> TP  0.7358
Sell     0.7304  ==0.05 >> TP  0.7358
Sell     0.7312  ==0.08 >> TP  0.7358
Sell     0.7320  ==0.13 >> TP  0.7358
Sell     0.7328  ==0.21 >> TP  0.7358
Sell     0.7334  ==0.34 >> TP  0.7358
Sell     0.7342  ==0.55 >> TP  0.7358
Sell     0.7350  ==0.89 >> TP  0.7358
Sell     0.7358  ==1.44 >> TP  0.7358
Sell     0.7366  ==2.33 >> TP  0.7358
Sell     0.7374  ==3.77 >> TP  0.7358
Sell     0.7382  ==6.10 >> TP  0.7358 ---> The new Sell has a TP of 24 Pips

When it moves up 8 pips close the Buy Trade at the same time open another buy trade with an 8 pip target and another sell trade WITH A 24 PIP TARGET.
The Sell trade will be opened @ 9.87 and the previous sells will adjust its TP to align with the TP of the newly opened trade.
The Trades at that time will be as follows

Buy     0.7390  ==0.01 >> TP  0.7398
Sell     0.7280 == 0.01 >> TP  0.7366
Sell     0.7288  ==0.02 >> TP  0.7366
Sell     0.7296  ==0.03 >> TP  0.7366
Sell     0.7304  ==0.05 >> TP  0.7366
Sell     0.7312  ==0.08 >> TP  0.7366
Sell     0.7320  ==0.13 >> TP  0.7366
Sell     0.7328  ==0.21 >> TP  0.7366
Sell     0.7334  ==0.34 >> TP  0.7366
Sell     0.7342  ==0.55 >> TP  0.7366
Sell     0.7350  ==0.89 >> TP  0.7366
Sell     0.7358  ==1.44 >> TP  0.7366
Sell     0.7366  ==2.33 >> TP  0.7366
Sell     0.7374  ==3.77 >> TP  0.7366
Sell     0.7382  ==6.10 >> TP  0.7366

Sell     0.7390  ==9.87 >> TP  0.7366---> The new Sell has a TP of 24 Pips




Developer 1
44% / 33%
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