Hi, I would like to ask you to modify an existing expert.
Existing code and description of current function enclosed.
New functions required:
1. Add martingale - will work only within one trading period (from Time start hour/minute to Time end hour/minute ) and then will reset to origin values
Martingale variables:
Enable martingale - Value: YES/NO
Multiplier - Value: with one decimal place (for example 1.2 or 2.0 or ...)
Multiply after N losing trades - Value: integer input requesting number of losing trades before applying martingale
Max multiplicated trades - Value: integer input requesting number of maximal trades with used multiplicator (for example: value is 2 and variable
Multiply after N losing trades value is 3, there will be 5 trades (3 without multiplying and 2 with multiplying) taken in martingale cycle and then will restart)
- If you have any other useful martingale features, just let me know
2. Add variable Close open orders at Trading hours end . Value: YES/NO
3. Add variable Only one open trade allowed at the same time . Value: YES/NO/ONLY OPPOSITE (martingale will be allowed only if this variable is YES)
4. Modify variable Use close by opposite signal to not work when variable from point 3 is set to YES (when only one trade can be open)
5. Change all 3 variables (trading period means from Time start hour to Time end hour)
Max orders to Max orders during 1 trading period
Max buy orders to Max buy orders during 1 trading period
Max sell orders to Max sell orders during 1 trading period
6. Add variable - Stop trading in actual trading preriod after first win trade Value: YES/NO (YES = will stop trading after first winning trade and start placing orders in the next trading period or after EA restart. NO=will continue placing orders on next signal)