MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - page 853

Hi i got an urgent problem, my CHINKOUSPAN from the iIchimoku indicator is not working... I tried it on several pairs, and with several values at the "shift", but no matter what i try it will always return 0 as a value. double CHINKOU =iIchimoku(Symbol(), 0, 9,26,52, MODE_CHINKOUSPAN,1);...
Hi Friends, Please refer above warning message. Please help me to get out of this warning message. Thanks, Kcfve123
  Superfast SL  (2)
Hi Forexfriends! Is there a good and very fast auto SL ea for allready opened positions? This is why; Hedging the news. Oldschool technique. I open 2 positions, 1 buy and one sell. It has to be very simpel and excuse me if this is a very simple question! I use as a broker and they have...
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+//|                                                 send_pending.mq4 |//|                      Copyright © 2007, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |//|                             
#import "shell32.dll"//int ShellExecuteA(int hwnd,int lpVerb,string File,string Parameters,string Directory,int ShowCmd);int ShellExecuteA(int hwnd, string lpOperation, string lpFile, string lpParameters, string lpDirectory, int nShowCmd);#importstart() { ....// init:res=ShellExecuteA(NULL, NULL, "c...
Hi guys, I'm developing an EA which is based on Moving Average using H1 time period, this EA generates +339 pips/month. But this EA gives negative result during flat market condition about -280 pips/month. Do you know what kind of strategy or logic to avoid the EA making trades on flat market
Hello everybody, I would like to ask a few question concerning a separate window (subwindow), I have read it some were in the CodeBase that we could find out what the height of the subwindow attached. Is it possible to code and used the height of this panel as value instead of using the calculated...
HI can you please reduce the number of top-fixed threads again and keep this number low? I would suggest to install kind of folder for e.g. mq5-topics... Thanks in advance, gooly!
Hi, I've done an EA that is supposed to open a trade when the MA's are a certain distance apart and then close the order when they cross. But the EA misses some crosses and closes at a later cross, sometimes even missing 2 crosses and closing on the third cross. int direction = 0;int prevDirection...
Hi I want to read a newsFile, it exists and can be opened, but it is read only about 20%?? // Open the file hdl = FileOpen (newsFile, FILE_BIN | FILE_READ ); if (hdl < 0 ){ Print ( "Can\'t open xml file: " , newsFile, ". The
New article MQL5 Cookbook: Indicator Subwindow Controls - Scrollbar has been published at Let's continue exploring various controls and this time turn our attention to scrollbar. Just like in the previous article entitled "MQL5 Cookbook: Indicator Subwindow Controls - Buttons", all...
I have a strategy which involves manually trading the M1. It's fast moving and it's during the day and I am at work. In order to prep support and resistance lines, i want to create about 20 lines a day in as short a time frame as possible. it looks like there is no keyboard shortcut for...
I have the regression channels indicators along with the auto fib and the super signals v3. Where or how can I add an alert when price approaches all 3 say on a hourly time frame? Thank you.
  Inflection color  (2)
If you want to change the color of the buffer, not based on turning points like usual (when the slope changes from negative to positive the color changes from red to green & vice versa), but on inflection points: when the first derivative changes signs, how would you code that? This is a start, but...
I refer to history data on a pair that does not have a window open, the EA runs on another pair. Is the history data updated continouisly on that other pair or do I have to have a window open on that other pair too?
There is any "ready to use" function to print the current expert advisor configuration just like it's presented in the "input" column in the "optimization results" tab?
  Time line  (2)
Hi In MT4 is there a way to change the time line axis on the graphs to local time instead of GMT+2 ? thanks
  Why? Is it a bug?  (11   1 2)
Why does this double SomeDouble; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { //---- SomeDouble= 0 ;
  quick channel  (7)
I am using quick channel that I down loaded from I have discovered how to have the sending broker ea send all the data that I want to the receiving broker ea. However, once received, I do not know how to break it back up into individual...
I am looking for someone to add a function to trigger an email notification that is sent out only when the indicator displays a Bullish (RED) volume bar, and a Bearish (WHITE) volume bar. I would like the subject of the email to be such as the example below for a Bearish (WHITE) bar: Subject: "Bear...
Good Day. Is it possible that one EA or Script can call another EA to all the Symbols? Thanks
Hi friends, does anybody know how to reuse the initial variables after a specific time? suppose that you've given values to some variables at the start of the day as their initial value and by starting the program,it constantly changes these variable as time passes . and then you want to use the...
Hello again folks, I have written an indicator which looks for a pinbar after a moving average cross over and have been trying in every spare minute for the last week to reliably get it to send me an email when conditions are satisfied. I have searched and read posts and documentation and the best i
  Immutable object  (2)
What is Immutable object in java? How to make an Object Immutable in Java? Is this any design pattern in Java?
Hi All, Once my MetaTrader4 is newly installed everything works fine. I am able to write my EA in mql4, when i compile ex4 file is created in Experts folder and it works fine. But, few hours after MetaTrader goes nuts. Here I mean that when i compile existing mq4 file it makes ex4 file disappear
I am using the basic send pending script (seen here) It enters the trade no problem, but it doesn't calculate stop loss/profit. My question is, how can I calculate a -100 stop loss and +30 take profit based on the entry price. Thanks in advance, Terry
Hi, I have had the offline button checked and now is unchecked. However the candle and bid line is frozen. It is live on all other timeframes.I even opened up another chart and it is the same but only on one timeframe please help maddog
Hi,I want to set up a TP on my ea, which equals (High[2]-Low[2])*1.5 Which is simply put range of a certain bar multplied by 1.5.. My question is How do I type it correctly because it seems that i make a calculation error. Thank you.   for(int s=OrdersTotal()-1;s>=0;s--)  {    if(OrderSelect(s...
  DLLs and passing control  (21   1 2 3)
Is there a way to call a function in a DLL file (I'm using C++) and let it run while MT4 retains control. Specifically, it's for a tick collector. I would like the DLL to periodically write the logs to file, but I don't want to miss any incoming ticks during the open/write/close process. If not, the...
I am very grateful to 7Bit for his contribution elsewhere in the forum on creating a DLL with Lazarus/Free Pascal which can pass data between the DLL and an EA. I would like to install a Pascal InputBox in 7Bit's DLL foo() function to enable the user to pass text input (commands) to the EA. I have...