MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - page 748

Hi all, I am trying to use a dual MA crossover indicator  ( IINWMARROWS.mq4  found in internet) which just displays arrows when a crossing of the two selectedMA's takes place in RENKO charts. It works ok most of the times but all of a suidden sometimes I get some extra arrows in the last candles...
  Corrupt data  (4)
Good day all. Today my LQDMarkets-Demo was showing corrupt data on 4 cfd's - ym, #z, #fdax, #fce, #cl Screenshot here - all 5 being similar. I tried deleting the corresponding files in  \history\LQDMarkets-Demo but it didn't help.  Any suggestions? 
how to prevent order opening if pullback candles occur? TF = H1
Hi,  Is it possible to remove a manual trailing stop [originally created by right-clicking on a pending order and adding a trailing stop] in EA code? Any assistance would be appreciated.  Thanks, Neil 
hi please help me i want get crossover moving average with price apply and rsi , please note I do not want use previous indicator data i want use price data for moving average. can do it? or not? Tanks you :)
Hello friends... Recently  after long absence in coding I read that the new MQL4 extends fully from MQL5 and now it inherits full functionality of MQL5 and resembles C++, of course now it has OOP concept and leave the old procedural way. As a programmer I was happy when heard this news,...
Hello,that's a lot of time I don't write here! I need help from you. I'm trying to interface Matlab and MT4 and I tried many solutions without results. No problems about MT4-Matlab direction because Matlab reads very well CSV format made by MT4, but I can't import files of any kind in MT4. If I use...
Can enumeration be used in MQL4? I'd like to have input parameters where an input is Moving Average Method and the user has a choice of Simple, Exponential, etc instead of having to input 0, 1, etc. Is that possible? Thanks, Paul
Hello, sorry for my bad english To continue learning MQL4 , I wrote this simple code. There is a detecting 2 Moving Average crossings . This code works correctly , but I'm open to constructive criticism to learn and improve Thank you for your comments
Hi! 1.At a certain point of calculation when I have a number like this(i.e) -> 3.647 remaining, I need to remove (subtract) 3 so I would have 0.647 for further calculations. Also I do not know which whole number it would be. 2.How do I get these 3 digits from a price reading ,i.e: 0.87130 How do I
i want to get current computer's ip address.. plz tel me any ideas regarding that..
This question just suddenly strike my mind cause' I don't have a VPS yet . Will EA still be running during sleep/hibernate mode on for laptop/desktop ? ( Assumed MT4 platform is not closed )
Hi all my friends, I want to know whether it is possible to control an indicator, which you've sold, remotely or not? Suppose that you've developed an indicator and you sold it, now you want to deactivate it through internet and remotely in order to make it impossible to work afterwards. or you want
Hi I've not been able to find out how to force discarding a tester optimization pass when I consider that it is not significant and should not be outputed on the optimization graph. Something like a function to directly continue with the next optimization pass, or to discard the pass from OnTester...
Hi guys, I'm new to the forum,Actually i'm new to trading, and :) i'm not a programmer. Nice to meet you!  I was hoping that someone can help me with a problem i have in my code. I added comments as much as possible. This function is suppose to close orders  as i don't want to do it with stop loss...
I did not manage to open a year old (resting) MT4 terminal installation. It opens but terminates a second later, however the log shows activity for 19 seconds.  It makes me not much harm, but obviously something failed with the (MQ weird) update. Is there any reason launching the build 500 ends in...
Check Out Here: Binary Matrix Pro - How We Can Make Over $40,000 In Less Then 8 Weeks WithBinary Matrix Pro (FREE) Watch The Video Above, And SEE HOW Binary Matrix Pro Makes An Average Of $106Profit Per Hour (Trading 40 Minutes) On Our Account And That Of Over 6,300Users. On...
I have attached two different EA on same Symbol.Now when I allow autotrading to them orders are executed immediately like buy-buy-buy-buy non-stop one behind another.But when One of chart is closed the EA runs pefectly.They are two different stratergies that I want to run on EUR/USD.But I am unable...
Function :  bool  OrderCloseBy(   int        ticket,      // ticket to close   int        opposite,    // opposite ticket   color      arrow_color  // color   );   What is the opposite id i need and how can i get these to close the order ? Or mean that the OrderMagicNumber() ?    Ty for coming help...
Hi, I like to work and use multi-paires & multi ut "Screening" Indicator. i would like this indicator to change itself Symbol() and Period() in Main Windows to focus a spécial event according to computations... so i'll need 2 News Commands : ( for futur release if many people think this, or also...
I have an EA open or a number of charts. It has always been the case that when I make a change to the code (for example a new default value of an input parameter) and compile, all open charts/EA:s will re-initialize. However, since the upgrade this seems to be a bit random. Right now I am running...
MT4 has full of bugs  and  here is some of it :  
Hello , I'm looking for a way to make backtests network with MT4 or MT5 Metatester to use with MT4. Is this possible?
Indicator draws histograms in chart window but it draws only about 2000 candles and then stops. I checked code, history contains more that 20.000 bars, number of bars in chart is 50.000, 500.000 bars in history. When I open data window I see that code correctly calculated all bars I requested, but...
I use Metatrader 4. I do not quite understand what is the point of downloaded historical data. Is it only to have a source of data and then export and import it as a history file? What I did so far: 1. Download Symbol historical data provided by the broker. (Download button in history center) 2....
I used to do something like this to get the code to wait:      if (TimeCurrent() > lastChecked+(60*15)){         for (int i = 0; i < OrdersTotal(); i++){            if (OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS) > 0){                  if (OrderType() == OP_BUY){                     if (OrderClose(OrderTicket()...
Hi guys, I'm trying to understand the different way of protecting our EA or indicators that we're developing. I've searched the web and especially the mql4 forum in order to find the most appropriate way of protecting our EA's and eventually I found out that the most reliable way is to use dll in...
Hello, im trieing to use code of indicator in an EA.  I get the Error : OnCalculate function not found in custom indicator              1       1 'error in the first line ?   How can i fix these ?  Ty for coming help :) These are my #propertys #property indicator_chart_window#property...
Hey guys is it possible to continually modify pending orders according to the changing spreads...?...such that when the spread increases the pending orders modifies accordingly and when spread decreases it modifies accordingly?
Can someone explain to me why this happens each time I start an EA in the strategy tester? 20:46:11 TestGenerator: unmatched data error (volume limit 208 at 2008.06.27 19:00 exceeded) 20:46:11 TestGenerator: unmatched data error (volume limit 208 at 2008.06.27 19:00 exceeded) 20:46:11 TestGenerator:...