MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - page 448

Hi all, I am new to trading and MT4 so please forgive the new-ness. I am making it a habit of printing charts and put my comments on them but have been encountering problems printing them. Here's what happens: 1. Print preview is good. 2. It's only when I click "print", which whether printed as soft...
Hi Experts, What do you guys think of the strategy tester report of the EA I coded? Is it worth trying live? Regards, Tim
Hello, Here is my goal : Immediatly hide/show Moving Averages after click on button. But, now, it always waits a tick, as the function is placed in "OnCalculate". How can I do it please ? Here is my code : int OnInit(){    TLR_Moving_Averages_Settings();...
I've been using Bahnschrift font for an EA on Windows 10.  Tested it on other OS, and found that Bahnschrift font is not working properly on Windows 7, and it reverts to Arial.  So I tried the following: #resource "\\Files\\bahn_bold.ttf"string bahn_bold = "::Files\\bahn_bold.ttf";Void...
Hello i got an error like this   could anyone please help me to figure out how to fixed it?.. this is my stoploss code : double getOrderStopLoss(int orderMagicNumber, int orderType, double price) {   double value = 0;   if(orderMagicNumber == 700) {      if ((Bars>20)&&(sqLowest(Symbol(), 0, 20 , 2)...
please help me with this code I need to use v keys to right: (AaBb) // First need to check if VK_CAPITAL is ON? keybd_event(VK_SHIFT, 0, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY, 0);// Press Shift Key keybd_event(VK_A, 0, WM_COMMAND, 0); // Press A Key (To Right A not a) keybd_event(VK_SHIFT, 0
Hello, I am looking for EA that will close positions after close candle under/above MA. I found EA that closing positions when price crossing MA but it is not what I need  
if i have any ea that opens multiple buy positions and sell positions and i would like to close 0.01 lots of any of the buy positions for example then what is the least complicated way of doing that ?  for example , the ea i coded opens 4 different buy positions with different lot sizes at different...
Hi, I am now studying at a University of London.Mainly I am from Bangladesh.I have knowledge of forex trading .Can I do forex trading instead of any part-time job
Hello again, I need your help (always...) I am trying to draw VLINEs one bar (what ever the time frame is switched) before a date time (in my case, begining of each week). datetime t = iTime(NULL,PERIOD_W1,i);            int Bars_Ahead =1;            if (t>0)       {        ObjectCreate("Line...
I want to open Order in every candle,not every Tick ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OnTick()  {   if(Close[1]>Open[1])      // Buy      int  ticket =...
Is there any place I can download build 950? Thanks ahead!
  class FruitClass (SOLVED)  (37   1 2 3 4)
Hello everyone, I am not sure how to ask this question, but I give it ago anyway. The value of the first variable changes every time that FruitClass is called (excuse me if that the incorrect terminology). Now as for the rest of the variables stay the same values until they are given a specified...
  OrderProfit  (18   1 2)
Hello, A trade must be closed if its losses reache -25$  The probable codes  are : for (int pos = 0; pos < OrdersTotal(); pos++){       if ((OrderSelect(pos, SELECT_BY_POS) == TRUE) && (OrderMagicNumber() == magicNumber)) {                if (OrderProfit() >= -25) OrderClose(OrderTicket(), lot, Ask,...
I need to make active ... one of the existing chart window ... I notice there is ChartOpen function.... But what does it?  It opens a new chart window with the specified symbol name... Well... I dont need it.. I need simply to go to one of the existing chart windows and make it active... rather...
Hi, I'm trying create a script that loads data from all pairs from certain timeframes. The logic is : Attach script to Window A Script Tells Window B -->    Load Pair X   Load Time Frame Y  ChartNavigate to shift -99999    if Time of First bar after ChartNavigate is still after 26 March 2018 00:00...
Hi, SymbolInfoDouble() or MarketInfo() can give the current market spread Is there a way to know what was the spread for previous 10 or 20 candles ?  Thank you.
Hi guys I have written code in an EA , that generates data during backtest such as equity and different times, drawdown,active trades, exposure and so. It also produces csv files and html report at the end of the backtest. What I would like to do is put that code in an indicator (that I will share...
for example, when I type the path "#include <Arrays\ArrayChar.mqh>" by myself, meta editor shows can't open ... include file However, it works when you copy the path form the following website...what's wrong?
Hello everyone, My first question is in regards to #include < controls\dialog > Q 1: Does EA continue, stop, or pause while dialog has focus? Q 2: Does #define place a variable value on loading, or is it like a const variable? Q 3 How do I code access to <controls\xxx.mph>
Hello, Do you know how to shift the end of the chart on mt4 ios ? I can not see the whole ichimoku clouds because I can not shift the graph to the left. Can you help me ? Regards, ps: I use an iphone 5
Hi guys,  I got this original script somewhere here, I modify it so it would become cloing above or below MA. The problem is I lack in skill in mq4 and still learning. Need advice please. How to make it run correctly. Thanks. void CheckForClose()  {   double ma;   if(Volume[0]>1) return;...
Hi, I`m posting a piece of code from my EA - it has a problem - its not opening any SELL orders. if(!AreThereOrders() && order4_allow==true){    if( fisher1>0 && cci0<-70 && stoch0>50 && rsi0>45){         ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,lotsize_4,Ask,slippage...
Hello friends, I´m working in my EA estrategy, if someone has these indicators for MTF  <Deleted> Moderator: Go to the freelance section if you want to request work done for payment.
MetaTrader 4 verison 4.0 Bulid 840 WONT COPY/INSERT/SHOW INDICATORS/CUSTOM INDICATORS IN MT4 (MAC using wine) The indicator wont show in my navigator or or indicator folder, I can't copy any indicator thats in the folder or paste a indicator in that folder. I can't copy or paste anything in the mt4....
I've been Googling for a while, but can't turn anything up. Is there a way to retrieve the currently active profile name in code? lastprofile.ini contains, unsurprisingly, the last profile name, not the current one. Thanks
Hi all, I try to insert a variable into the custom indicator that returns to me the closest (lowest) BAR index (for example CCI) where value is greater than 100. example: For last 10 bars CCI have values [0, 50, 50, 20, 50, 99, 103, 102, 101, 0] extern int CCI_period = 14;extern int range= 10;//----...
Hi, i'm having problem to code this indicator, i need to call functions in specific order placed on extern variables, example, if first is 1, second is 2, it should call the 3 functions, functionone first, then function2, and after complete, repeat in a loop, so how can i code it? Thanks for any...
I have a school project (due this Friday) and I'm stuck on an MT4 EA. It takes my SL and TP perfectly - just not my Entry. I made the TA for it first and it prints the RIGHT results to my screen, but it won't work correctly for the EA. I can't figure out why? Anyone here want to take a look. Its a
Hi, I've been using <Deleted> for sometime now. I think it is good, BUT, I want to backtest a strategy that uses loops in the code, and believe it or not, but you can't write loops using <Deleted> language! So, I started looking for other backtesting software, preferably for free, I found and...