General - page 1923

Hi guys, does anybody know where I can find 2 LSMA- color indicator /mq4/? REGARDS
Hello, I had a MT4.0 trading platform who worked as a MetaQuotes-demo. This platform showed beside Forex, cfd's and the futures on american indexes ( Dow-Jones NDX100, Nas. Comp. and S&P500). By accident I removed this platform. When I try to install a new MT4.0 I don't see those cfd's and futures
  Move Stop to Break even  (68   1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
Hello, I would like to ask if you guys know what is the best way to move stop to break even at XX amounts of profit in Metatrader 3. I have seen some experts that do that on M4 but not sure if is possible to do that in M3. Thanks in advance GS
Just wanted to say that I've been browsing this forum for only a few hours and it has helped my trading out a LOT in just that short amount of time. A big THANK YOU to everyone that contributes here.. Hope all of you accomplish your goals! shippy
Is there a way to update IBFX and Alpari MT4 to latest release v.188? Since the Jan 23 v.188 release is again a silent release the platform is not updated automatically and IBFX does not post the latest version on their website. Wouldn't a change in version make more sense so that the platform...
Found "Выложен обновленный билд 188" Since I am not good in russian, here's the output of a translator: "It is laid out updated билд 188 with corrections of mistakes, выясленными for last week. To update the terminal it is possible скачав the distribution kit under the reference: http: // files...
  OrdersTotal()  (2)
Hi peeps, Just a quick question, I am in the middle of writting an EA, where it places a buystop and a sellstop at the same. At the moment, I want the EA to place a maxium of 2 pending orders, (buystop/sellstop) per currency. If I use the following code, will that only place 2 orders all...
Anybody have M1 history data for EURUSD and GBPUSD ? I try to download it from Alpari databank several times already, but cannot finish the download. Thank you
Hi, can someone please help to convert the MT3 HistoFractalZigZag indicator to MT4 please? The code is below. thanks --------------- /*[[ Name := HistoZZ Separate Window := Yes First Color := Red First Draw Type := Histogram First Symbol := 217 Use Second Data := No Second Color :=...
  1ma EA
GUSDINSALVOFOREX had some trading idea and Beluck created EA (attached). Look at the original idea here.
Hi, simple question, but it is stopping me from getting any further. why doesn't the High value I output by runing this in the strategy tester match up with the one on the chart in the data window? I am looking at the correct chart (I click the chart from the strategy tester) the EA:...
Hi, I'm new to MetaTrader, so I may be overlooking something obvious. Is there a way to get more historic data displayed than shown by default? e.g. 5min charts only shows the last couple of days. Can I make this go back for a couple of weeks? If there is no way in the metatrader platform, is this...
  Linear Regression Indicator  (12   1 2)
Hi, Can anyone, or does anyone know how to write the Linear Regression Indicator for MT4? I have the indicator in Metastock but this indicator is not available in MT4. Thank you.
Hi, I'm a first-time forum member with a strategy that has just been programmed in MT4. I've tested manually for months on EURUSD with very good and consistent results and have optimized it for USDCHF and GBPUSD with the attached results. Knowingthe inaccuracies of backtesting, are these still...
Hi, in new build 188 I get big differencies in results of Strategy Tester compared to build 186. Is Strategy Tester undergone a major update in this new release? Btw: Is there a place where someone can see a list of fixes for every build version? Thanks.
MQ, I have something more to add to the EA freezing issue orginally posted at "Publisher causes EA problems" I've been playing around with some grid trading such as MakeGrid at "Grid maker 1.1" and notice this freezing is still happening despite Publisher being switched off. I know you've not...
I have a 5 lot trade. How do I close just one lot only? I tried close order> changed volume to 1 and hit close, but it closed the entire trade. Thank you
i've been unable to get a return value(greater than zero) for the following code, does anyone else have this problem? ...or is it a problem with my coding? temp.low=Low[Lowest(Symbol(),5,MODE_LOW,288,0)];if(temp.low>0) { if(temp.low<active.low) { active.low=temp.low; a.low...
I really appreciate any help, my head is doin circles right now after a week of tryin different things, I think this will work out for me once i get a few details straight. All my system needs to know is what the previous trade was(BUY/SELL BUYSTOP/SELLSTOP), before it places it's new STOP order...
  Shi-channel trades  (23   1 2 3)
The super-newbie trades sell usd/jpy 115.40 keep stop above 115.60 ( kept it on 115.63) target for 114.87
I like to get some feedback on Interbank FX, LLC from members with live accounts. I noticed in the past some server downtime, is this still the case? How long are you trading live with Interbank and what are the pro and cons. Please let me know if you are live or demo, any feedback is appreciated.
Hi, I have tested the MT3 BronzeWarrior EA in live and demo Interbankfx accounts with exactly the same setup, and the trades were not the same! I have also observed this before with many other MT3 eas, as has someone I know who used another MT3 broker. So, now, I think that MT3 is not a viable means...
Hi, If I create manually on the chart fibs, I can see the labels displayed. If I create one with the ObjectCreate function and defines some custom levels, I get no labels. How can it be done ? Thank you Nicolas
New MetaTrader 4 Mobile Terminal build 188 has been released. What's new: 1. Performed complete tests under Windows Mobile 5.0. 2. Added displaying of HTML emails of the Internal Mailing System. 3. Fixed errors in dialog windows operation. 4. Improved updating process of the terminal through...
New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal Build 188 New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal build 188 has been released that can be downloaded at "MetaTrader 4 trading terminal" What's new: 1. Modify Order Window: Stop levels are defined under taking the minimal permissible levels above/below the market price...
  MT4 Mobile  (1)
Hi, I have installed the MT4 platform onto my PDA, is there a way of adding my custom indicators from my MT4 PC platform?
  Ask  (7)
Dear CodersGuru how i can hv cross alert on 144/200 emas on 1 minute chart while i am watching 60 mins chart (different timeframe)?? mny tks in advance.
Hi all, I have written an EA that contains the code listed below. It is basically running exactly as I need but I am concerned that there is some sort of bug because unnecessary OrderModify commands are made to the server. The EA is running on an hourly chart and, as such, the LowestLow variable...
OK, this has always bugged me about multiple lot orders, but I'm unable to come to a definitive conclusion so I've been placing 2 orders at the same price for multiple lot trades. Lets take a long trade for example. If I buy 10 lots can I close out only 5 of that order if I placed the order buy...
Can someone from MT please post the changes made in 188, I know this same question was posted a few posts back but I, like many others cannot read russian........ Thanks :)