ZigZag - Play Alert

Hello there!
First of all, I'm a newbie in this field!
Now when that is said, the thing I'm trying to figure out here is how I could set an alert to play inside the ZigZag indicator. The alert should play when a new ZigZag line has just been created.

The thing is that I don't understand when to set the "PlaySound("alert. wav");".

It has to be on the break point of a new line.

Maybe this is a very simple task, so I hope someone out there could give me a helping hand so I could figure this out.

Hello there!
First of all, I'm a newbie in this field!
Now when that is said, the thing I'm trying to figure out here is how I could set an alert to play inside the ZigZag indicator. The alert should play when a new ZigZag line has just been created.

The thing is that I don't understand when to set the "PlaySound("alert. wav");".

It has to be on the break point of a new line.

Maybe this is a very simple task, so I hope someone out there could give me a helping hand so I could figure this out.


Hi Howie.

First you have to check The Zigzag to Find New WAVE.

Secend compare it to last Leg or wave of Zigzag.

Then make an Alert.

for example :

if New Upper Leg of Zigzag is founded Get an Alert.

so you can use iCustom ( ... ) to check the Value of Zigzag or any CI.

Be Happy and Success.