how to create an arrow on the price chart

can anybody tell me how to create an arrow on a price chart when a particular condition is met.

for eg... if the ADX value isl less than +DI there should be an arrow on the price chart at this particular price.

I am tryin to use ObjectCreate("arrowi",OBJ_ARROW,0,timeofbar,0) but its of no use.

When i run the script, i can see the output on the log but there are no arrows appearing on the price chart.

thanks in advance
What is price 0? Try to use for example Close[0]+5*Points
thanks for the help ... but i don see that working... i have attached the script here.. please take a look and suggest if there needs to be something modified.. ..

i am sorry guys.. the code is a mess... i found out the entire logic is wrong and i ll code it again...

just don bother to answer...

Thread start date: 2006.01.23