Indicator does not work in VM but does on standalone hardware


I'm trying to get an indicator working with MT4 build 1010 on a Windows 10 VirtualBox VM.  I'm getting an "Access violation read to 0x00000000" error.  The odd thing is that this indicator work perfectly on a non-VM Windows 10 install.  Same OS version and MT4 build number.


Has anyone run into this? 



Then you will not be able to make a snapshot and distribute it across the world.

Marco vd Heijden:


Then you will not be able to make a snapshot and distribute it across the world.

Why such a sarcastic round-about and arrogant answer, and that from a respected Moderator? Would you mind providing an answer that actually answers the question and that is clear and easy to understand. The community members deserve this. Isn´t this why this site has been founded in the first place? Very disappointed!!
Why such a sarcastic round-about and arrogant answer, and that from a respected Moderator? Would you mind providing an answer that actually answers the question and that is clear and easy to understand. The community members deserve this. Isn´t this why this site has been founded in the first place? Very disappointed!!


Marco gave a perfectly correct answer based on the provided problem description.


"Access violation ..." is caused by fiddling with a null pointer. 

The original poster did not specify at which moment that happened, does the indicator uses dll's, does it need internet access, is he absolutely certain that all files are installed, did this happened on a clean MT4 install or did he copied folders, ... 

There is no information at which moment the error happened - before init, after init? What's written in the log file?

That would help detect if the problem is in the indicator or is it some MT4 bug. 

MT4 bugs can be resolved only by reporting them to the service desk.  Indicator problems can be solved by examining the source code.


And finally, community members deserve as much effort as they invest. If he/her is not caring to describe his/hers problem in detail, then he/her can expect the first generic answer that fits the question.  


Marco, all moderators and some of us who occasionally answer the questions, are disappointed because some community members still don't want to accept the fact that we do not have crystal balls that magically provide answers. 

Although, there is a rumor that Metaquotes allegedly organized remote mind reading seminars for the moderators. 



I'm not a moderator, nor am I associated with Metaquotes. This is just a silly rant and English language exercise because it's not my native tongue.

Drazen Penic:


Marco gave a perfectly correct answer based on the provided problem description.


"Access violation ..." is caused by fiddling with a null pointer. 

The original poster did not specify at which moment that happened, does the indicator uses dll's, does it need internet access, is he absolutely certain that all files are installed, did this happened on a clean MT4 install or did he copied folders, ... 

There is no information at which moment the error happened - before init, after init? What's written in the log file?

That would help detect if the problem is in the indicator or is it some MT4 bug. 

MT4 bugs can be resolved only by reporting them to the service desk.  Indicator problems can be solved by examining the source code.


And finally, community members deserve as much effort as they invest. If he/her is not caring to describe his/hers problem in detail, then he/her can expect the first generic answer that fits the question.  


Marco, all moderators and some of us who occasionally answer the questions, are disappointed because some community members still don't want to accept the fact that we do not have crystal balls that magically provide answers. 

Although, there is a rumor that Metaquotes allegedly organized remote mind reading seminars for the moderators. 



I'm not a moderator, nor am I associated with Metaquotes. This is just a silly rant and English language exercise because it's not my native tongue.

Kudos for answering.

And great that you have an understanding of the technical aspect of the question. Though however easy or complicated the matter at hand, let´s not just assume every member reading the original question and answer to it were supposed to just "get it".

Your answer, however, IS sufficiently explained with some reasonable background and did a lot more good. Why Marco had to resort to a shade of sarcasm is what stirred the conversation here.


Kudos for answering.

And great that you have an understanding of the technical aspect of the question. Though however easy or complicated the matter at hand, let´s not just assume every member reading the original question and answer to it were supposed to just "get it".

Your answer, however, IS sufficiently explained with some reasonable background and did a lot more good. Why Marco had to resort to a shade of sarcasm is what stirred the conversation here.


Marco and other moderators and we, other occasional answer providers, mostly see questions in the form "It worked, now it doesn't, what's wrong." and no more details. 

When 80% of the questions is like that, dealing with that kind of posts quickly becomes very tiresome because you spend most of the time asking posters to provide more details.   

Nobody here gets paid for the answers.  Moderators spend their free time to answer.

So, is it too much to expect from the community members to do some research at least in the areas "how to search the community site" and "how to ask a question that can be answered"?

And again, Marco gave a correct answer. Based on the provided info, one can simply conclude that the original poster tried to bypass copy protection and failed. All symptoms fit. Why is that a sarcasm then? 

Drazen Penic:


Marco and other moderators and we, other occasional answer providers, mostly see questions in the form "It worked, now it doesn't, what's wrong." and no more details. 

When 80% of the questions is like that, dealing with that kind of posts quickly becomes very tiresome because you spend most of the time asking posters to provide more details.   

Nobody here gets paid for the answers.  Moderators spend their free time to answer.

So, is it too much to expect from the community members to do some research at least in the areas "how to search the community site" and "how to ask a question that can be answered"?

And again, Marco gave a correct answer. Based on the provided info, one can simply conclude that the original poster tried to bypass copy protection and failed. All symptoms fit. Why is that a sarcasm then? 

Drazen - while the answer Marco provided might be correct - that is not the point here. The point is - the answer was not provided in a "good spirit" and according to the essence of this forum. Rather, the answer was provided with attitude of "how dare you ask this wicked question". The fact that no-one gets paid here is not sufficient for providing answers with attitude. I hope I have finally answered "why it have seemed to be sarcasm".

In other words, while expecting a certain quality and content in every question asked (which is well founded expectation and also communicated in advance as part of the rules & guidelines) the lack of detail was NOT the issue here. It appears to be pretty obvious Marco had understood the essence of the question and thus was able to answer straight away. What did not go down too well was the spirit in which the answer was provided.

All in all, I tend to think there are no stupid questions. However, you can educate the person seemingly on a wrong path (as may have been the case with the original question herein). While it seems to be an enjoyable conversation with you here, I think we are looking at different sides of the same elephant. So let´s "Anmayes" get his or her lesson from herein and also let Marco understand the reaction from community when you inject a spice of attitude in an answer. Peace.

Why such a sarcastic round-about and arrogant answer, and that from a respected Moderator? Would you mind providing an answer that actually answers the question and that is clear and easy to understand. The community members deserve this. Isn´t this why this site has been founded in the first place? Very disappointed!!

The only way that you can get them to work will be if you compile them from source code yourself, so no market products should work under these conditions.(for obvious reasons)

Maybe there are ways and work arounds, where you can get purchased products to work under these conditions but i am not aware of any.

I think that if i was to put in enough time and energy i could get them to work, but i never tried it because all of my ea's and indicators are self coded so they always work.

Even if you do get it to work it will still have it's limitations.

At this point i am not sure whether you are trying to run a purchased indicator, a indicator downloaded from code base, or one of your own design.

My response was simply a means to guide you to the ideas or conclusions as to why this possibly should or could not work.