Recognizing Server crush, connection down and MT4 crush on VPS


Hello I have some important questions on Trading with VPS and Signals (for experts).

Regarding VPS: I have recognized 3 conditions that are adverse to trading. These are:

1. Server crush (es. Installing windows update)

2. Server is up but connection is not working

3. MT4 app crush on the server

Is anyone aware if there is any software, script or automated way to recognize any of these conditions (maybe sending a notification via email)?

Actually this is very important for automated trading.

Thank you in advance!


You can use


Connection to a trade server


This will turn false whenever your terminal gets disconnected.

Of course this will also happen when your internet connection drops so then it will not be easy to transmit a warning via other means, but you can set it up in an way that it uses intervals to send out that it is still alive and whenever it crashes for whatever reason, these still alive messages will stop and you can have some external app that is listening to these confirmations, give off an alert telling you hey terminal XX did not check in on time.